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Completed Albrecht von Wallenstein 75 mm (Alexandros)

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Colin_Fraser, Jul 26, 2024.

  1. Oda A Fixture

    Great painting on a fantastic sculpt.

    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Colin

    Nice update , boots are coming along well , do like the choice of colour your aiming for on the trousers

    Agree ref the armour treatment comment

    Will you base this up differently ?

    Thanks for sharing

    Looking forward to more

    Have fun @ the Bench

    Colin_Fraser and Oda like this.
  3. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    thanks Oda
    Oda likes this.
  4. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Thx Nap.

    This is his base. The figure is currently attached with two-sided mirror mounting tape. Once he’s done I will choose an orientation on the base and attach him permanently.I expect I will extend the cast groundwork to the base edges.
    Oda and Nap like this.
  5. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Very impressive, the armour looks good as do the trousers. Talking of he armour, would a gent of his stature have lacquered armour, or was that just the Japanese way of doing things?

    Cheers Simon
    Oda and Colin_Fraser like this.
  6. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    I suppose black varnish would be similar but not the same as lacquer. I don’t think early modern European armour had much in common with Japanese in finish or design. This isn’t really my period though so I am just doing the best I can.
    Oda and Briggsy like this.
  7. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

  8. Oda A Fixture

    You are correct.First of all Urushi is a sap mixed with other things as saw dust etc and technically speaking it is not a lacquer,As far as I know Urushi was not available to Europeans at the time not just because it was rare but because the process of covering any object in Urushi is extremely time consuming and a highly specialised skill that takes years to learn and master.Such artisans were not existant in Europe.Even for monarchs that had a taste for japanese "lacquer" like the Great Mughals of about the same time,the only option was to have the item they wanted lacquered exported to Japan and then bring it back.The Japanese themselves knew exactly were such objects were desired and had created a lucrative trade with many parts of the world.What is even more surprising is that though the Japanese covered every bit of their armour in Urushi they very seldom did so on European cuirasses which they valued very much.
    In Europe at the tine of the 30 Years War I think that the most fitting method for producing a glossy black armour would be enameling but I am not certain as I am no expert.

  9. Nap Moderator

    Hi Colin

    Thanks for sharing the updates, the figures really coming along now , do like what your doing with this particularly buff coat and the trousers

    Looking forward to seeing more

    Happy benchtime

    Colin_Fraser and Oda like this.
  10. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Attached his hand and hat. Gloves, hat, spurs, misc touch ups, face refinement, groundwork to go.

    clubcat, Briggsy, NigelR and 3 others like this.
  11. Oda A Fixture

    Looking very good.

    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  12. Nap Moderator

    Hi Colin

    This is a classy figure , good to see you can switch between scales so easily

    Look forward to seeing more on this piece , it’s quite an imposing piece , the facial sculpt is very strong

    Do you do anymore bust sculpting out of interest?

    Have fun @ the bench

    Colin_Fraser and Oda like this.
  13. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Thanks Nap. It’s been a while since I have sculpted anything big. Last one was this portrait of German Protestant theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was also attached to the Abwehr under Canaris. He was a resistance figure.


    Based on these pics.

    IMG_6799.jpeg IMG_6800.jpeg IMG_6798.jpeg

    About 1/6. Acrylics and ink.

    The specs were a bitch to do.

    I have sculpted some 28mm.

    Martin64, MalcC, clubcat and 2 others like this.
  14. Nap Moderator

    Hi Colin

    That’s a great bit of sculpting , looks like the man , interesting choice as well , well painted as well

    The glasses look really good I can only imagine making them

    Thanks for sharing this

    Happy benchtime

    clubcat, Oda and Colin_Fraser like this.
  15. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Extended the rounded cast base (including cobbles) to the base edge with Magic Sculpt.

    Martin64, MalcC, NigelR and 2 others like this.
  16. Nap Moderator

    Hi Colin

    Nice neat putty work there on the base , the piece must be close to finishing now

    Look forward to seeing the groundwork painted

    Have fun @ the bench

  17. Briggsy PlanetFigure Supporter

    Hmm PF stopped sending me alerts, again. He's looking good, nice work on the base and lovely bust you did, really nice seeing something not in uniform, albeit with connections.

    Cheers Simon
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  18. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Thanks Simon. In the final stages.will post here once done.
    Briggsy likes this.
  19. clubcat PlanetFigure Supporter

    I like the bust, the likeness is exceptionally well captured. Brilliant.
    Wallenstein is also coming along really well.
    Colin_Fraser likes this.
  20. Colin_Fraser A Fixture

    Thanks Melanie

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