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Completed Airfix 54mm French Line Infantry

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Merryweather, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. Nap Moderator

    Hi Neil

    Nice casualty work there , they certainly look right position way and good modelling

    Look forward to seeing more on this project it's really moving along now

    Happy benchtime

    Oda likes this.
  2. Nap Moderator


    These are well worth looking at ...Troutcatchers


    Oda, Merryweather and NigelR like this.
  3. Merryweather A Fixture

    cheers Kev
    Oda likes this.
  4. Merryweather A Fixture

    wow that's nothing like as expensive as the solder I bought, although I have a wider range of sizes. Well worth checking out
    Nap and Oda like this.
  5. Merryweather A Fixture

    The Officer is all painted and ready for a matt coat, which I will do with the airbrush when Fusilier 8 is ready(not far behind)
    Officer Painted .jpg

    Thanks for looking in
    Nap, Oda and NigelR like this.
  6. NigelR A Fixture

    Good progress. Out of interest, what do you use for your matt coat?
  7. Merryweather A Fixture

    Cheers Nigel
    this is the stuff. easy to use , sprays from the bottle and washes out with water.

    Nap, Oda, Waterlooman and 1 other person like this.
  8. NigelR A Fixture

    Thanks Neil, I have some of this (but never tried it on figures.....)
    Oda likes this.
  9. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    This is still growing.. excellent work on the flag, and the next two figures... very impressed..
    Oda and Merryweather like this.
  10. Merryweather A Fixture

    Cheers Warren.
    Now, I have to admit that I've been holding out on you all a bit, because whilst working on Fusiliers 9 & 10 ,(and in order to avoid doing any painting) I had a moment of madness and made Fusilier 11,

    Fusilier 11.jpg

    And Fusilier 12,
    Fusilier 12.jpg
    Fusilier 13,
    Fusilier 13.jpg

    Fusilier 14,
    Fusilier 14.jpg

    And finally…Fusilier 15!

    Fusilier 15.jpg

    I decided to make Fusilier 11 a drummer, once I discovered that French drums were just brass, and not decorated like British ones( I didn't fancy the painting)
    I 3D printed the drum with holes perfectly spaced for the tensioning cords.
    and here he is finished and ready for paint

    Fusilier 11 ready.jpg

    He'll look better when I can glue all the equipment in place properly.
    The drumsticks are brass rod , set in the chuck of the dremel and filed, in the absence of a lathe. I used a small piece of curtain tape, flooded with CA for the basket effect on the water bottle . I had fun threading the drum- I tried all sorts of wire and E-Z Line but I ended up using plain old sewing thread in the end. I had a bit of a job researching the correct uniform, and one option would be to paint his jacket green(which I quite fancied, for some variety). But, whether the scene is historically accurate or not, I have decided that it's at the Battle of Waterloo, just before Sergeant Ewart of the Scots Greys seizes the eagle, so his jacket will be blue.

    Now you know why I needed to 3D print the hobnailed boot soles!
    I have made many of the pieces of equipment already so hopefully they will not take so long to make as the others-and the lying down ones will not need quite so much work…
    I’ve added almost as many figures again-I must be MAD, but I feel the scene tells a real story now-but all that PAINTING!
    Thanks all for your continued interest in what has turned out to be rather an epic!
    eppi, Nap, Oda and 2 others like this.
  11. NigelR A Fixture

    Brilliant work, love the lace on the drummer! Now get painting.....;)
    Nap, Oda and Merryweather like this.
  12. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    You certainly have been busy... amazing work...
    Oda and Merryweather like this.
  13. Merryweather A Fixture

    I am, I am!
    The Officer and Fusilier 8 are almost done, and Fusiliers 9,10, and 11 are primed....
  14. Merryweather A Fixture

    .....And here are Fusilier 8 and the Officer (at last!).

    Fusilier 8 (1).JPG

    Fusilier 8 (2).JPG

    Fusilier 8 (3).JPG

    Fusilier 8 (4).JPG

    Fusilier 8 (5).JPG

    Officer (1).JPG

    Officer (2).JPG

    Officer (3).JPG

    Officer (4).JPG

    Thanks everyone for looking in
    Nap, Oda, Waterlooman and 2 others like this.
  15. NigelR A Fixture

    Great progress, these will all look most impressive when presented as a group.
    Oda and Merryweather like this.
  16. Waterlooman A Fixture

    Superb work.

    Merryweather and Oda like this.
  17. Oda A Fixture

    Neil, I have just gone online on Ebay and I saw that there is a ban on your name!Apparently you have singlehandedly created an artificial shortage of napoleonic Airfix kits worldwide! And to what a magnificent effect too!!!! I cannot commend highly enough on your dedication and stamina on this.When finally finishes it will look fantastic.

    NigelR, Nap and Merryweather like this.
  18. Merryweather A Fixture

    Many thanks Nigel for your continued support.
  19. Merryweather A Fixture

    Thanks again W
    Waterlooman likes this.
  20. Merryweather A Fixture

    Lol! Thanks Oda for that fantastic complement. Airfix figures have some kind of attraction for me, probably to do with my youth (fooling myself I'm still 18....?)
    I know that things have moved on hugely, quality-wise, but they are so easy to work with and not expensive (especially if you use up the spares box like I am with most of these).
    I didn't set out for this to be an epic , but it's developed a life of its own and now it's almost 2 years since I started! Let's hope it doesn't take another year to finish. I think I can see the end now - only 7 more figures to go!
    Oda likes this.

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