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Completed Airfix 54mm French Line Infantry

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Merryweather, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. Merryweather A Fixture

    Well Fusilier 7 is finally done YAY!
    First the comparison shot as requested by somebody...

    Fusilier 7 (1).JPG

    Fusilier 7 (2).JPG

    Fusilier 7 (3).JPG

    Fusilier 7 (4).JPG

    Fusilier 7 (5).JPG
    And here they all are together

    7 Fusiliers.jpg

    Still lots to do but I might have a little break and do some DIY for light relief:bored:
    thanks for following
    all the best

    Attached Files:

    eppi, winfield, KenBoyle and 6 others like this.
  2. NigelR A Fixture

    Looking really good, don't spend too long on the DIY......;)
    Oda, Waterlooman and Merryweather like this.
  3. Nap Moderator


    Agree there

    They are all looking great

    Looking forward to seeing more

    Waterlooman and Merryweather like this.
  4. Waterlooman A Fixture

    Looking Superb - each one special in their own right.

    Nap and Merryweather like this.
  5. Merryweather A Fixture

    Thanks everyone for those encouraging comments.
    I am pleased to announce that Deuxieme Porte Aigle is done!
    Here are the bits all painted and ready for assembly
    Porte Aigle painted.jpg
    And here's the finished article.
    I must point out, for the benefit of those who haven't followed the thread from the beginning, that I didn't paint the standard myself. it was donated by @Daddio a very kind member of this forum. I would never have bothered even attempting it .

    Porte Aigle  (1).JPG

    Porte Aigle  (2).JPG

    Porte Aigle  (3).JPG

    Porte Aigle  (4).JPG

    Porte Aigle  (5).JPG

    Porte Aigle  (6).JPG

    Porte Aigle  (7).JPG

    I have to say that after all the belly-aching and indecision with this guy I'm very pleased with him.
    Thanks for sticking with me for all this time.
    The officer is up next
  6. NigelR A Fixture

    Good progress, he looks good.

    I'm afraid the nerd in me wants to say there should be a gold ornamental trim round the edge of the flag, but it's probably too late to add that now ;)
    Nap, Oda and Merryweather like this.
  7. DaddyO A Fixture

    Lovin' what you've done there Neil (y)

    Great to see the standard got a suitable new home. Look forward to seeing how it all comes together

    Nap, Oda and Merryweather like this.
  8. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    Excellent work..
    Oda and Merryweather like this.
  9. Oda A Fixture

    Standing ovation on this whole project!

    Merryweather likes this.
  10. Merryweather A Fixture

    And I'm afraid the coward in me didn't dare interfere with it!
    But you're right, and I might just grow a pair and have a go
    Nap likes this.
  11. NigelR A Fixture

    I get it. Maybe try a test section with oils on the least visible part of the flag to see if it works, if not you can clean it off before it dries.

    But don't worry too much - it's the overall effect of the vignette you are going for. I'm coming to the same conclusion on my little vignette, I am trying to put too much detail into the individual figures which I realise isn't really needed.
    Nap and Merryweather like this.
  12. Merryweather A Fixture

    Well, thanks to my 'friend' Nigel R I've been shamed into having a go at the fringe on the standard.
    I wanted to be able to manipulate it realistically so I used lead foil

    It was scary, but I think I got away with it

    Martin64, Andrew Belsey, Oda and 3 others like this.
  13. Waterlooman A Fixture

    Looking so nice - love that flag.

    Oda likes this.
  14. NigelR A Fixture

    That looks fantastic, excellent modelling work!

    Now do you want the bad news........?;) I didn't mean the fringe, I meant the row of ornamentation around the inside edge of the flag on the 1815 pattern (number 3):

    But seriously, don't bother adding any more. The gold fringe adds enough extra ornamentation to make the flag look impressive enough without the row of leaves around the edge of the flag (y)
    Waterlooman, Oda and Nap like this.
  15. Merryweather A Fixture

    I know, but there's a limit, Nigel lol
    Oda and NigelR like this.
  16. Nap Moderator

    Hi Neil.

    Great updates and good work on the flag as well

    Being me I would tone down the helmet with a wash ?

    Thanks for sharing

    Look forward to seeing more

    Happy benchtime

    Waterlooman and Merryweather like this.
  17. Merryweather A Fixture

    I haven’t really been able to knuckle down to painting the next two figures yet, but I have been able to avoid the DIY by working on the casualties, Fusiliers 9 & 10.
    This is where we left them;
    Fusilier 9
    Fusilier 9.jpg

    Fusilier 10;

    Fusilier 10(2).jpg

    And here they are ready for paint to be flung
    Fusilier 9 Ready (1).jpg

    Fusilier 9 Ready (2).jpg

    Fusilier 10 ready.jpg

    I've just noticed that I need to add the gaiter straps under the new boot soles.
    I've 3D printed the shako and the musket, and the chinscales are separate pieces too.
    time to have a go at the painting again.
    thanks for looking in
    KenBoyle, Martin64, Nap and 3 others like this.
  18. NigelR A Fixture

    Great progress, I really like he second guy.

    Question - is that thin solder/lead wire you use for the piping? It works really well.
    Oda likes this.
  19. Merryweather A Fixture


    Thanks Nigel.
    Yes it's 0.3mm solder. I have a range of thicknesses in 0.1mm increments from 0.2mm - 1.2mm.
    I bought them years ago(not cheap, either) and with the tiny amounts I use they will last me for the rest of my life!
    Sometimes wire is better, but the solder is very forgiving. You can flatten it easily as well if need be.
    Oda, NigelR and Viking Bob like this.
  20. NigelR A Fixture

    Glad to hear it, I picked up some .2mm at the Bovington show at the weekend in the hope it was what you used. Someone also suggested flattening it to make straps and slings and you are right, it does flatten easily, I just tried it. Thanks for the tip on this one!
    Merryweather likes this.

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