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AIF Stretcher Bearer, Passchendale

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by tonydawe, Aug 11, 2009.

  1. megroot A Fixture

    It's getting better and better.
    Wish i could do this.

  2. PHIL WALDEN Member

    Morning Bro.,
    mate l must be getting old, l can not for the life of me remember ever playing around with the original figure,even giving it to Chris.. although l can spot what the head is off..
    Anyway brother like the idea,.. once more into the mud and blood the beer!!..

  3. captfue Active Member

    Excellent. going to look great.
  4. tonydawe A Fixture

    Hi Marc, thanks very much for your comment mate. I used to say "I wish I could do that" and now I can. The only thing stopping you from being a sculptor of your own figures, is yourself. Have a go mate. Life's too short to have regrets.

    G'day cobber, your little grey cells are full of Milliput, that's why you can't remember when you did this figure!! The head came from the "Killer" Caldwell figure. You must have stuck it on years ago while you were sculpting the scarf and the poncho. I've widened the eyes a little and sanded down his cheeks to make his face look a bit more gaunt. Anyway mate, I'm back to the hobby room for another session.

    The good news is I can put resin figures in the oven when I'm baking the Super Sculpey bits hard and there's no permanent damage to the resin.

    Hi Anthony, thanks for your comments mate.
  5. mil-mart A Fixture

    Tony, really like the progress so far, looking forward to seeing him painted. Do you think he'll be finished for Euro ?.

    Cheers Ken
  6. tonydawe A Fixture

    Ken, thanks so much mate. The figure is now primed and ready to paint. Still a few weeks before Euro and as you know I'm a pretty fast painter when the juices are flowing, but I'd rather take my time and get it right than rush to get it ready for Euro.
  7. rodrigrinch Member

    hi Tony, great job, looking forward for the painting progres,
  8. tonydawe A Fixture

    And so it begins....

    I started base coating today.;) Last night I put "feet" on the stretcher and resculpted the left hand.:cool: The colours look pretty weird and shiny at pesent but this is just the beginning. I haven't as yet base coated the gas cape over his shoulders.

    The next step is to paint the face, then work my way through the figure with acrylics. Then I'll re-do the entire figure with oils and washes of oils and white spirits. Then I'll attack the figure with pastels and then I'll add the mud, blood and other weathering details.:D

    Once that's done its time to start work on making a base. Still a very long way to go, but I'm making progress. Thanks for your comment Rodrigo. I hope you like my progress so far.:)

    I've attached a photo from the TV mini series ANZACS, which shows exactly the sort of scene I'm trying to capture with this figure.:cool: The scene shows some battle weary Australian soldiers stuck in the mud at Passchendale (in reality it was filmed on a farm in rural Victoria;);)).

    Attached Files:

  9. billyturnip A Fixture

    I've got a feeling this is going to be a good'un Tony. It looks great so far! :)

  10. tonydawe A Fixture

    Thanks Roger,

    It's going to rain all weekend, so I don't have to mow the lawns and can lock myself in the hobby room and paint like a madman.
  11. billyturnip A Fixture


    Sounds like a good plan, it's raining here too, no suprise there, it is summer:confused::confused:

  12. Mark S Guest

    Love the work you've done on this one,Tony.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes mate,it's been a good one which I intend to milk for the whole weekend!
  13. tonydawe A Fixture

    Thanks Roger & Mark,:)

    I've been painting away solidly for the past six hours and now I'm off to bed to recharge my batteries for a big weekend of painting.:cool: I've finished the base coating, and I'm now just about ready to start shading and highlighting with acrylics.:D The base coat is fairly rough, as I intend to go over this figure several more times with acrylics and oils and pastels.;)

    As always comments/ criticisms welcome:)

    Attached Files:

  14. Dan Morton A Fixture

    Great stuff, Tony!!

    All the best,
  15. davidmitchell A Fixture

    Nice conversion Tony, look forward to seeing this one completed.

    Cheers David
  16. dannyk01 New Member

    oooh... some good stuff going on there, conversion and now painting :) It's like Monash almost all over (well only partially... very partially :p)

  17. tonydawe A Fixture

    Hi Dan, thanks mate. I had a feeling this figure would appeal to you. He does have an "old contemptible" look to him!!

    Hi David, thanks very much for your comments mate.

    Hi Daniel, nah this is kid's stuff compared to scupting from scratch. If you're going to SMCWA this arvo, you'll be able to see it in the flesh.
  18. unknown01 New Member

    Nice progress Tony.
    It seems to be a wonderful work, doesn't it?
    It's pleasant for completion.

  19. tonydawe A Fixture

    Domo origato Mitsutaka-san :)
  20. pmfs A Fixture

    Hello Tony,

    Very nice your conversion:)

    Regards from Portugal

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