ACW trains


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A Fixture
Mar 14, 2012
I'm looking for information on trains during ACW usage, builders, dimensions, etc. links to museums, associations, blogs, books, films, photos etc.
Two major manufacturers of trains before the Civil War were Rogers Locomotive Company and Baldwin Locomotives.
Their engines were used by both sides throughout the conflict and were generally wood burners. As well as painting
figures, I have a G gauge layout in my garden featuring these and later American trains ( I build scale flying radio
controlled biplanes as well ). The model railway company Bachmann should be worth a try. They might be able to produce
some scale drawings or something. Meanwhile some of the railroad museums in the States could help - you might check
them out online. I'll also have a word with someone I know in Virginia who might help.......... I'll get back to you.

A few pictures to be going on with - In order: Baldwin, Rogers, and Jackson passenger car.
Hope this helps

Baldwin.jpgRogers.jpgJackson coach.jpg

OK, Jai, send an e mail to [email protected] in Delaware explaining yourself and they'll probably be able to help..... don't forget
the time'll get responses in the middle of the night !


thank you, yes, I'm used to communicating overseas ... I have great friends in Mexico;)
Andrea still produce a ACW period engine and tender in 54mm (at a cost!).
There was a supporting article in a Figure International a while ago. I’ll try and dig it out later and send a copy over. Would email be better? If so perhaps PM with your email address.
hope this helps.
if you let me have your email I’ll get that article over to you.
the project, the idea of the project, is more complex. now there is the collection of the material
As an aside to your request, you might like to have a look at the old Buster Keaton film " The General". It's a silent movie, but there are some interesting vignettes in the film involving original veterans of the ACW. Although a visual comedy, it is based on certain facts and incidents.

As an aside to your request, you might like to have a look at the old Buster Keaton film " The General". It's a silent movie, but there are some interesting vignettes in the film involving original veterans of the ACW. Although a visual comedy, it is based on certain facts and incidents.


It's among my 10 favorite movies. thanks

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