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A photo of my Cival War ancestor

Discussion in 'General Figure Talk' started by Jeff, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. Jeff Active Member

    Hi Guys,

    A few months ago someone posted a link to a web site where you could find Civil War ancestors. I mentioned then that I had a copy of the letters written home by one of my great grandfathers,. John Newton Chamberlin. I had also mentioned then that I had a photo of him that I could not find. Well I found it and thought I would share it. I found a little museum that has the uniform he has on in the photo and the curator has sent me photos of it so I think a figure is in the works.

    Here is the photo.


    I have a photo of the little girl in the photo holding my father as a baby when she is an old woman. The little girl is my great grandmothers mother.
  2. Joe Hudson Well-Known Member

    that is pretty cool, nice picture.

  3. garyjd Well-Known Member

    Jeff, How cool is that? if you need any uniform info just ask. Man, that is so neat.~Gary

    PS, According to the Soldiers & Sailors System there were several with the name John Chamberlin. There was however only one that had the middle initial N. Is this him? What is the background color on the uniform's shoulder boards? Yellow?

    Chamberlin, John N.
    2nd Regiment, West Virginia Cavalry
  4. Hyades New Member

    An absolutely awesome picture, Jeff! Your ancestor would make a great figure to sculpt. Keep us posted!

  5. Jeff Active Member

    A few things I know about John he stared out in the 75the NY most of his letters talk about camp life but a few mention action one letter that was incomplete talked about one of his actions. I have the date of the action and I think I know when and where it happend. I will share more when I have a little more time.

  6. Dan Morton A Fixture

    Jeff - Terrific idea for a figure! Good luck! Keep us posted!

    All the best,
  7. garyjd Well-Known Member

    I found a John Newton Chamberlain that mustered out of the 75th as a Sergeant. Your original posting spelled his name Chamberlin (typo?). He could have joined another regiment and became an officer or recieved a commission. Cool stuff.~Gary
  8. Jeff Active Member

    Hey Gary,

    It may have been a typo. The thing is he spelled his name diffrently at diffrent times. I am not sure why. He left the The 75th to join the 3rd Regt. LA Engineers Corps of Afrique on the 1st of Sept 1863. He was in charge of a pontoon bridge. He ended the war as a Capt in the 97th USCI. The uniform's shoulder boards are blue.
  9. Roc Active Member

    Very cool, you have a real treasure there....

    Roc :)
  10. Jeff Active Member

  11. John Osgood New Member


    You might send copies of your letters and picture to the Army War College library in Carlisle, PA. It houses the largest repository of Civil War letters and diaries and the curator was supremely knowlegeable. They are always looking for more. I sent them similar letters from my ancester and all I had were his initials and last name. The curator told me what his full name was, what unit he was in, and had a picture of him. There was a diary written by another soldier in his unit that told about their recruitment, travels from Massachussetts to the second battle of Bull Run where my ancester was killed. History is great. Best to you. John
  12. Jeff Active Member

    HI John,

    I think I may do that. I wonder if they might just have a diffrent photo of him. That is the only photo I know of.
  13. youn5702 New Member

    Jeff, please email me/send me a message... My family also has letters written by John Chamberlain. If you don't already have copies of letters my side of the family has, I can send them to you.
  14. Jeff Active Member

    Hi Jill,

    I did not see your post or get a notice that it had been posted. I got your private message and have sent you an answer as a PM. I am actually starting up a small figure company with a friend and I am thinking about doing a figure of John. What do you think, and do you have any other photos of him?


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