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A matter of opinion!

Discussion in 'Brutal Honesty - Critique Center' started by chailey, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. chailey Active Member

    This is my third attempt at this, the first was aborted before the painting stage as I decided to remove a sizeable wedge from his waistline as the lower half of the figure simply looked wrong, the second was an error in choice of paints, the Vallejo greens insisted on drying with an unwanted sheen.
    I'm fairly happy with the uniform colour now, a dead matt finish using scale 75 acrylics but I'm still unsure if enough of the midriff has been removed, he still looks a bit "leggy" to me...
    Anybody got any thoughts before I press on with the rest of the figure?


    malc, Borek, Blind Pew and 1 other person like this.
  2. JonH Active Member

    He certainly looks better!
    The difficulty with him as far as I can see is that he wears his trousers Simon Cowell style ie up to the nipples. That wouldn't be so bad but then he appears to be wearing his wash around the lower chest.
    Hope that's not being too unfair to the sculpt.
    chailey likes this.
  3. JonH Active Member

    Reckon he could still lose at least half an inch
  4. KenBoyle PlanetFigure Supporter

    Assuming a standard 8 heads high figure the crotch would be right in the middle. It looks like the torso is a bit too long. On the other hand people come in all shapes and sizes. :)


  5. Martin64 A Fixture

    It is refreshing to see somebody tackling the "must buys" of PF that should never be nitpicked.
    The anatomy problems on this one are obvious but your surgery looks to be successful to a certain extend. It is too bad that other problems like the long legs and long / high waist cannot be overcome without removing and simply resculpting parts of this area. Even people with shapes and sizes off the average in most cases are able to tie their shoes...
    Still nice paint job and the sculptor is one of the most productive guys in the hobby. I just wish that he would take from time to time a second look at pose and anatomy of his mannequins before adding all this nice details that are a pity to destroy while reworking the anatomy.
    Good luck and finish it - it will still look impressive!
    KenBoyle, valiant, winfield and 2 others like this.
  6. clrsgt A Fixture

    I have always thought that this one was too long in the lower torso and in looking at the torso, I feel as Martin64 does that your surgery was successful. Carry on. BTW, the greens are looking good. Which Scale 75 greens are you using?
    KenBoyle and chailey like this.
  7. chailey Active Member

    Thank you all for your input, I guess that originally this was designed as a bust and the leg's were added somewhat as an after-thought , perhaps any further surgery may be counter productive and wreck detail that I wouldn't be able rectify, in spite of the anatomical issues, it's still a nice figure to paint with a super character face.
    The scalecolour's are "Forest green" and "Ardennes green" with a little black for shadows and a flesh tone for weathering.
    Borek, Martin64 and KenBoyle like this.

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