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90mm Bedouin on horseback sculpt project

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by stoffy01, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. stoffy01 PlanetFigure Supporter

    Hi P'fers,

    Here's my latest project, a commission piece, a Bedouin on horseback based on a picture supplied to me.

    The figure is sculpted in a base of an epoxy putty mixes over a wire armature. I have used some different polymer clays in the outer layer along with some epoxy putty. Have run into some trouble with one of the polymer clays as it's quite crumbly and doesn't seem to bond well,so not really impressed with it. The other one is way better to sculpt with and tends to bond well and allow me to work on other area's without crumbling easily. So because of the former polymer it's caused a few issue's where I've then needed to rethink and resculpt, which can be challenging and in some cases not enjoyable.

    So have started to get on top of this, and being my first sculpt of a horse I think I'm heading in the right direction and always learning along the way.

    Take care everyone :)[IMG]

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
    dmcHobbes, MattMcK., GIANNIS and 17 others like this.
  2. housecarl Moderator

    Oda and stoffy01 like this.
  3. MoboSchreuder A Fixture

    Great work

    stoffy01 likes this.
  4. Edorta A Fixture

    stoffy01 likes this.
  5. NeilW A Fixture

    Looking pretty damn good for a first effort I'd say*

    ... care to name names?

    *I've only ever sculpted one horse (1/12th scale, all in DAS clay)... and that was almost 50 year ago!
    stoffy01 likes this.
  6. stoffy01 PlanetFigure Supporter

    Thanks Neil,

    Don't really like to name name's, but anyway what the hell. So I've been using supersculpey medium hard, and have had quite a few issue's. Whether it's the batch or just what's in the recipe, I'm not sure. In contrast I was gifted some of Darkstars molten clay and it's beautiful to work with. I would compare it to another one like bees putty, tackier to the touch and really responsive. And when I half bake it so I can sculpt in stages it's definitely a little stronger to handle the bumps when sculpting other area's. Also nice and hard when baked fully, not brittle like the sculpey.


    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
    Nap and NeilW like this.
  7. NeilW A Fixture

    Thanks: I've stuck with air-cures (Milliput, GreenStuff etc... and yes, DAS for bulking out) but want to give oven dries a go, so that's useful info (y)
    stoffy01 likes this.
  8. Borek A Fixture

    Amazing so far, I want more ... I need more !!! :) Just go on, great work!

    Cheers Borek :)
    stoffy01 likes this.
  9. stoffy01 PlanetFigure Supporter

    Thank you Borek my friend, I'll keep working on this and see where it leads ;)

    Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
    Borek likes this.
  10. KenBoyle PlanetFigure Supporter

    Amazing work Chris! (y) I absolutely love what you have done so far. :)

    Nap and stoffy01 like this.
  11. clrsgt A Fixture

    A damn fine first effort.
    stoffy01 likes this.
  12. Nap Moderator

    Hi there

    Great to have you posting and what a challenge this is , first horse sculpt as well ...looking good , do like the pose and all the horse furniature you've added ...gives it movement

    Thanks for sharing the thoughts and results on the materials you have used ...always helpful to others

    Look forward to seeing more

    Happy sculpting

    stoffy01 likes this.
  13. DioramaArt A Fixture

    Excellent work mate, love the sculpting.

    Regards, Marcus.
    stoffy01 likes this.

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