At last, yes, I made my the saying goes, it's better late then never!
Hi Joe, hope you're doing fine........will await your email with anticipation as always buddy
Hi Anders, thanks for your praise.......the pics are of "my" Clinch, however I have George's clinch somewhere, from the photo shoot of last year's Athens! When/if I find it I will definetly post it, but they are almost identical
Thanks Guy, as I said, words of praise (although I feel they are over rated) are always welcome and savoured!!
Gordy, thanks for putting up with my inexistence on this wonderful forum, I vow to make up for that..........starting with an s-b-s on the Zapite, which I hope would be carried by my club mate and buddy, Steve, to St.Vincent, next month!
I will post as soon as I have all images of the step by step face painting, only the final shots remain, as the face is ready..........