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WIP 54mm Officer of grenadiers, Soissonois Regiment , 1781

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Apr 19, 2019.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello folks,
    Here is another figure i had completed about 8 years ago for a project never saw the light.
    I have started at just doing some cleaning and little you know, end up replacing the plume for a more realistic one, touched up the face, narrowed the collar, it was way to wide for the neck, lowered the height of the collar, re-painted and repainted the Crimson lapels.
    This regiment fought in the American war of independence and one of the regiments who kept their grenadiers bearfur hats.
    The regiment uniform was whote with the beautiful crimson facing color at the cuffs and lapels.
    I forgot to mention i added a gorget made out of brownstuff and Royal cypher with greenstuff.
    Cheers 38bc93c2b5a0e204f10f386a058756ad--independence-war-american-independence.jpg 20190419_163739.jpg 20190419_163750.jpg 20190419_164853.jpg 20190419_165721.jpg
  2. Jaybo Well-Known Member

    Daniel, how do you like the Modeles et Allures figures? I have several but have yet to build and paint one.
    MarquisMini likes this.
  3. KenBoyle PlanetFigure Supporter

    Beautiful work Daniel! A really nice figure and great paint job.(y)

    MarquisMini likes this.
  4. captnenglish Well-Known Member

    I always enjoy your posts, they are informative and well written. Your figure are masterfully paint as well
    MarquisMini likes this.
  5. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I loved them, my only issue with them is the faces, too toyish, but if you replace the head it makes for an amazing figure, i have used the JMD heads , which are 65mm and slightly larger than it should, but with today's many options you can have a grest conversion on them.
    This grenadier's head is from JMD, the besrfur hat is from modeles et Allures, i just completely cut the head from the hat, drilled the center and place it on the new head.
    Jaybo likes this.
  6. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thank you so much Ken!
  7. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks for your kind words Capt!
    captnenglish likes this.
  8. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    Beautiful whites and figure.
    MarquisMini likes this.
  9. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Bob!

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