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WIP 40mm Trident Royal Deux-Ponts Rgiment, 1781

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello Planeteers,
    finally taking a break form the white uniforms and started on my officer of this well respected German regiment in French Service.
    The colors for this regiment are a dark sky blue coat (typical of german regiments in French service) with lemon yellow facings.
    I used the Army painter color/primer dark blue, dipped the figure in the strong quickshade of the same brand.
    I also posted pictures of the first lights only on the coat, the yellow facings base is flat yellow with a dab of flat brown, that will give me a good range to only apply lights, will see how it goes.
    DSC03987.JPG DSC03986.JPG DSC03985.JPG DSC03984.JPG DSC03986.JPG DSC03989.JPG flohrsol.jpg
    Edorta, ChaosCossack and Don Johnson like this.
  2. billyturnip A Fixture

    Nice start and nice bit of multi-tasking..... following. :happy:

    MarquisMini likes this.
  3. Wings5797 A Fixture

    Looking really good Daniel.
    Good that you remember how to paint colours other than white:hilarious:
    I will be watching.
  4. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I have so many unfinished figures that is becoming overwhelming :arghh:
  5. billyturnip A Fixture


    I'm with you 100% on that one Daniel!!!!!
    MarquisMini likes this.
  6. MarquisMini A Fixture

    lol thanks Keith!, just when i've got the hang of whites i switched to sky blue :sour:.
    I have a particular liking on this regiment, the dark sky blue and lemon yellow facings looks great on an uniform.
    Take care and thanks again for watching.
    Wings5797 likes this.
  7. MarquisMini A Fixture

    At least i am not the only one, everytime i look at my designated little corner and see all my 60mm figs and these little fellas i have a feeling like: what the hell am i thinking" lol
  8. billyturnip A Fixture


    It's the same here with 30mm flats. Latest consignment is 16th cent. Hungarian and Balkan cavalry!
  9. MarquisMini A Fixture

    wow, that sounds interesting, certainly not the usual subjects. Keep up with the great work Roger !
  10. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Made some progress today.
    Since I 've use a black troop head, I reduced the cheek bones a little and added a longer nose, I think it does the trick.
    The head is finished and the coat is at a 90%.
    I will need to work on that difficult yellow facings tomorrow :nailbiting:.
    I am pretty happy with the color of the coat, added few "washes to toned towards the blue I am looking for and to blend the contrast a little.

    DSC03990.JPG DSC03991.JPG
    marco55 likes this.
  11. MarquisMini A Fixture

    More progress pics...

    DSC03993.JPG DSC03994.JPG DSC03995.JPG DSC03993.JPG DSC03993.JPG DSC03994.JPG DSC03995.JPG
    marco55, billyturnip and Don Johnson like this.
  12. Don Johnson Active Member

    Daniel, I think you've made an excellent start on the Deux-Ponts uniform. That "sky-blue" isn't easy to manage, and the yellow will probably have to be lighter than we might think. I too am waiting to see how a bunch of these guys will work. Best regards, Don
  13. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Don, I worked on my lemon yellow last night before bed and did some touch ups before going to work, so here are some pics.
    I think it's coming along ok.
    Best regards
  14. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Made some progress on this officer.
    Done with the lemon yellow facings, all left to do is taking care of the gaiters ,shoes and sword and turnbacks, so still some work but it will be done before the end of the week.

    DSC03996.JPG DSC03997.JPG DSC03998.JPG
    marco55, Don Johnson and kinggeorges like this.
  15. mil-mart A Fixture

    Excellent progress Daniel and great work on the subdued yellow. Following. (y)

    Cheers Ken
  16. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hey Ken, thanks for your kind words mate!.
    I have recived your email and I am going to go through tonight! , awesome, looking forward to see the stuff, take care.
  17. Don Johnson Active Member

    Wow, Daniel, you REALLY altered the strength ("chroma" I think is the art world term) of the yellow! Ken's right - excellent work.
    Any tips you'd like to share?
    I have the Frank Miniatures Lauzun Legion 75mm figure, sculpted by Carl Reid, on my painting table right now, and as you know, Lauzun had very similar uniform colors to Deux-Ponts.
  18. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks for your kind words Don, for the yellow faces I have used Vallejo flat yellow with a dab of Royal Purple, it will become a little 'brownish".
    To the base color I added 2 drops of Andrea lemon Yellow, for the extreme light I tried citadel "Dry" paint hexos palesun, which is a very very light yellow.
    I would love to see that 75mm trooper Don, I am sure it will be a great figure to paint.
    best regards
    Don Johnson likes this.
  19. Wings5797 A Fixture

    He looks really fine Daniel.
    As Ken says, the yellow is very good. I think that you are putting us all to shame by painting the finger nails on these tiny boys.
  20. MarquisMini A Fixture

    thanks Keith!,
    the finger nails is easy, i just put a little dab of the highlight color on top of his finger tip, kind of a dry brush lump so it gives the right effect.
    Best regards my friend.
    Wings5797 likes this.

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