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WIP 40mm Trident 1st Volontaires Etrangeres De la Marine Hussars

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Gotta love ebay, i already placed the order of that wolf grey hahah.
    Ps: on the other trooper i will use vallejo sky blue and light sky blue to add some slight variation between the two horsemen.
    Reason behind that is we know each uniform will wear out different .
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  2. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello folks,
    I have finished the sky blue dolmans today including the white lace.
    I painted the cartridge box belt in the "Russian Red Leather" as prescribed on the regulation for this unit.
    A good mix for the base is vallejo red Leather and few drops of Murderous magenta from formula P3
    The leather pouch or cartridge i have painted in citadel charadonrn graphite 20160824_134206.jpg 20160824_134222.jpg
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Daniel ,

    Nice mate ..like the slight difference in colour on the dolmans

    The cross belts..that's the same colour mix I have in mind ...!

    Lacework looks good as well

    Thanks for sharing

    MarquisMini likes this.
  4. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Glad you like'em Nap.
    One color of wash i will recommend is GW carrobourg Crimson wash, i almost forgot i had and i have use it for the very middle of the x-belts, it provides a nice shade and dries out almost matt.
    For the reds it's great.
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  5. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I have finished the lemon Yellow pants today, still need to work on the white trim on the sides.
    For the yellow i have used GW golden yellow, washed with vallejo burnt umber.
    For light i've use the GW base color golden yellow and added vallejo Light yellow with a dilution rate of 5:1, added more light yellow progressively almost until pure light yellow. 20160824_204458.jpg
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  6. Nap Moderator

    Hi Daniel ,

    Now they are coming together well , Yellow is a difficult one for me so thanks for details

    Those hordes are coming up soon !

    Thanks for sharing

    MarquisMini likes this.
  7. megroot A Fixture

    Very nice work so far.

    MarquisMini likes this.
  8. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks Nap, i may tone that yellow down a bit, probably will add an offwhite , just a tad so i mute that screaming yellow down .
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  9. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Marc :)
  10. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Nap, i came across this color that i've never seen, maybe something to add to my already growing collection of colors.
    I think it will be suitable for this regiment's yellow.
    They were mostly germans recruited for French service, so, why not?, german yellow ;-)

    napoleonpeart likes this.
  11. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I have added light sand to the mix to mute down the screaming yellow, fixed the white lace areas and painted the horse manteau in a combination of vallejo skye blue and medium blue.
    The "thing " behind the mount ( sorry don't know the proper name) painted in formula P3 Cygnar blue base to resemble Royal blue.
    20160825_144456.jpg 20160825_144520.jpg
    billyturnip likes this.
  12. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I am starting the work on the horses.
    For one of them i am using a base mix of english uniform and burnt umber, for the second horse i am using same mix but added calvary brown... 20160826_081315.jpg
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  13. Nap Moderator

    Daniel ,

    We shall expect the horses finished by Saturday ( tommorow )

    Nice good base colour

    MarquisMini likes this.
  14. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Ahhhh my friend, buy a lot of popcorn, beer and fish & chips, enjoy the show hahajhaahah
    Cheers Nap
    napoleonpeart likes this.
  15. Don Johnson Active Member

    Daniel, first, it is great to see these Lauzun Hussars on your painting table! One term I've seen for the device behind the rider is portmanteau - basically a pack made specifically for cavalry. Years later, many of the Napoleonic cavalry had a similar device as part of their equipment. One question/comment about the French hussar uniforms: based on my reading, my understanding is that within the unit we know as Lauzun's Hussars, the Headquarters company wore red pants, and the other "line" companies wore the yellow pants. (There were a couple other minor distinctions, as well, I believe). Is this what you understand, as well? Or have I misinterpreted something? Anyway, the Trident sculpts are good to work with, the horses have some "heft" to them (thick in the hindquarters), and I am eagerly awaiting your completion of these troops (for some reason, my favorite RevWar unit and uniform)! Don
    MarquisMini and napoleonpeart like this.
  16. Nap Moderator


    Everthing now eaten ...how's those horses coming along ..time is ticking away ..lol

    Great stuff Daniel ...just as a matter of interest ......after these what's next to enter the foray ?

    Happy painting


    PS Question if I can ..the lacework on the helmet (flamme) was there a difference between the company's ...I have based mine in a red ..will check my refs !
    MarquisMini likes this.
  17. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Good morning Don, and thanks for passing by !
    I remeber this unit is one of your favorites of the AWI, and they are awesome looking fellas.
    This is what i understand and there are many sources and not always very clear.
    The compagnie génerale ( headquarters)wore scarlet pants with yellow lace, the rest wore yellow or "lemon yellow" pants.
    There were 3 companies , the 1st was servin in the west indies, the second ( later lauzun's Hussars in scarlet pants) in the USA, the 3rd in Malaysia /India.
    I think the confusion is because the 2nd company ( lauzun's hussar in scarlet pants) was at gloucester , while the 1st company was part of the Marquis de St. SIimon contingent and acted as his headquarters along with some dismounted Belsunce Dragoons.

    As for the horses from trident, they are just ok, i'd prefer to use the ones from Front rank, they seem a little bit more robust and well balanced.
    Anyhow, i will try to do my best on these 4 legged friends.

    Best regards
    Don Johnson and napoleonpeart like this.
  18. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Hi Nap, i believe you refer to the tassel end of the flying flap of the Mirliton?

    As for the next project i will start the French Artillery, 2 12 lbs cannons and artillery crew plus gun position with gabions :)
  19. Nap Moderator

    hi Daniel ,

    That's right the flying thing does it have red or yellow edging

    Artillery next .sounds good

    Happy painting

    MarquisMini likes this.
  20. MarquisMini A Fixture



    Hey Nap, for what i see, both companies had that tassel in white
    napoleonpeart likes this.

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