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Completed 40mm 1st. Volontaires Étrangéres de la Marine

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello Planeteers,
    I have finished my first hussars ever and i am pretty happy with the outcome.
    History :
    Lauzun's Legion was made up of infantry, cavalry and artillery components (one company of grenadiers, one company of infantry, two squadrons of Hussars, and one company of gunners) and were recruited largely from foreign mercenaries. After being posted to Senegal and the West Indies, Lauzun's Legion served in the American War for Independence. The corps' principal engagements were at White Plains in 1781, and at the Siege of Yorktown in 1781.

    About 300 of these horsemen were sent to the US.
    When the Legion arrived in America, they recruited from foreigners, mainly Hessian deserters; there were complaints about their conduct. Rochambeau sent Brigadier General Marquis de Choisy with Lauzun's Legion in July 1780, as they marched from Rhode Island to Head of Elk, Maryland, traveled by water to Alexandria, Virginia, and marched to Glouster Courthouse.They spent the winter in Lebanon, Connecticut.

    The Légion de Lauzun became famous during the Siege of Yorktown, mainly before Gloucester on 3 October 1781, where they chased down the champion of the battle, a British cavalry led by Colonel Banastre Tarleton. The legion stayed in the United States of America, first in Hampton, Virginia, then in February 1782 in Charlotte Court House, Virginia, before they were moved in July 1782 to New York. The legion left the United States in May 1783.

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    jai, Fabricio_Fay, Mirofsoft and 3 others like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Daniel ,

    They look really good my friend , love the setting they are in , rather dashing soldiers ....

    Really would like to see you paint a bust...hint hint...lol

    Thanks for sharing

  3. ellie A Fixture

    Daniel they are great well done they fit well into the back ground a pleasure to look at.




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