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WIP 28mm Eureka Min. Regiment de Dillon, siege of Savannah, 1779

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello folks,
    I've putchase these 28mm from Eureka last week.
    I am currently working on another 28mm figures from Perry , these Eureka will complement the already existing perry figures to resemble the French regiments who participated on the failed attempt to take savannah from the Brits.
    It will be one big square with lots of action , with french and British troops.
    In this case i am modifying these figures to resemble a more early period, they are from the early french revolution.
    The cut of the uniform it is almost the same, except they have slightly longer tails and more prominent collars but basically the same.
    I did shape the hats slightly and added the side curls with greenstuff.

    Attached Files:

  2. Wings5797 A Fixture

    The figures look good Daniel.
    I am sure that your brushes will breath life into them.
    MarquisMini likes this.
  3. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks Keith!!
  4. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello Folks, made progress on these chaps.
    Finished headgear, need to work on the wigs still and just paint eyes to complete the face.
    The yellow facings are done, pants and vest are done.
    I layed some shadows on the coat , still need lights on it.
    They'll be done soon.
    20150809_235316.jpg 20150810_232413.jpg 20150810_233945.jpg

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