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WIP 200mm MP on WLA Harley

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MattMcK., Dec 31, 2019.

  1. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    My first project of the New Year will be Jeff Shiu’s 200mm MP. I would have started him already, but the Italeri bike kit is a bear. The molds are from the 1970s and full of ejector marks, sinks, etc. I figured better to get the bike done first to ensure the figure sits properly. Everything for the Harley has a base coat on it, so it’s about ready for detail painting, assembly and weathering. The rider is assembled and primed. I’m going to try making maximum use of my airbrush on him before getting out the oils for the detail work. I’ll share wip pics as I go. CE3BCBB4-D4E2-4740-A758-75B2A4DF9D45.jpeg 795E0938-C4B8-49E2-A4AD-EADAAC9BAC54.jpeg
    Nap, Oda, Jed and 4 others like this.
  2. Chris Oldfield A Fixture

    That’s a nice shade of OD you’ve sprayed the bike with, Matt.
    Jed likes this.
  3. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    I went super old school- a rattle can of Testors OD Green. Haven’t use enamel in a long time, but it seemed the most expedient way to go for a big project.
    Oda and Chris Oldfield like this.
  4. Chris Oldfield A Fixture

    Looks just like the real deal to me!
    Oda likes this.
  5. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Nice one Matt, I just bit the bullet and bought the harley (postman just delivered it while I was writing this lol), ordering the MP today so keep your SBS coming as I will need some inspiration and guidance especially on the bike, (haven't built a kit for a very long time, going to have to buy all the glues etc). your bike and figure are well underway and looking good.
    Oda, Jed and MattMcK. like this.
  6. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Great start Matt, I'm on for the ride, lol. Excellent bike kit and fig, should be a good one.
    Oda and Jed like this.
  7. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    A bit of progress... 2FBE6B9E-46F0-4EA8-B184-92DBA31EFFD1.jpeg B3E4A323-8B27-4090-A53D-04ADA61E6ECF.jpeg
    Nap, Jed and Chris Oldfield like this.
  8. Chris Oldfield A Fixture

    Great work on the bike so far, Matt - the engine & stencilling look superb (decals or hand-painted?)
  9. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Dry transfer lettering from Woodland Scenics, except for the larger wording, which I hand painted. That needs a bit of clean-up.
    Chris Oldfield likes this.
  10. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Lettering is a real bugger for me too. You might find dry transfers that big on-line. All is looking really good from here!
  11. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    The bike is about done, and I threw a quick pre-shade on the figure. I have a plan for the base, a roadblock scenario. I can finally get into painting him this weekend! D84C0E24-D9AC-4EE9-B558-C2402C380E97.jpeg A790890A-1937-46B3-9C19-A50736ED98B0.jpeg D0D60DA3-BC68-44B1-8E9D-254706E9F8D0.jpeg 4DCE7861-3366-45B2-BEE7-0B2452A1448C.jpeg
    NeilW, Nap, Oda and 2 others like this.
  12. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    lovely work...
  13. Chris Oldfield A Fixture

    Fantastic job on the Harley, Mike. Re dry transfers, you might want to try Archer Fine Transfers in the USA as well; they seem to do dry prints for most things & in a variety of scales, so might have done something for the big scale bikes & vehicles etc. in the past.

    Good luck painting the Airborne patch on his overseas cap, by the way.
  14. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Back at it, and finally on to the base & figure! My hopes for a roadblock vignette aren’t going to work out, just because of the scale; it would simply take up too much space for me. I modified the plan to be a simple street scene with a single light or sign post, basically just a curb/sidewalk area in the rear left corner. I thought about a wall, but there is good detail all around this piece and I didn’t want to block the view of any of it. I airbrushed base colors (mostly Vallejo, some AK) on the rider, so it’s time for the good stuff, and the oils come out today. I was going to try more airbrush shading, but I’m a rank amateur with that tool, so I’m going with what I know. 1023169F-A5B8-4F5D-92C4-AB3740240CB4.jpeg C736B7D7-79E1-4C48-9DA0-CA6985923CC8.jpeg
    Nap, Oda and Chris Oldfield like this.
  15. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Scenario looks good, I like the plate. Where did you get it, or is it just a print?

    The patch on the cap and arm chevrons can be printed on standard printing paper, done it many times. I treat mine with dull lacquer to help form it and keep it safe from bleed out, etc.

    Ruck On!
    Chris Oldfield and MattMcK. like this.
  16. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    I did that with the flag & 82nd emblem on the bike. Great idea to try on the figure!
    Steve Ski and Chris Oldfield like this.
  17. Steve Ski A Fixture

    My sig photo of the 10th Mountain in Afghanistan has the printed patches, 120mm figs. I wasn't going to fight that small emblem with paint, worked just fine.

    That plate, is it print or real?
  18. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    [quote="Steve Ski, post: 1025059, member: 6871That plate, is it print or real?[/quote]

    It's a restoration item I found on eBay, so just like an original from a c. '44 bike. A touch more than I wanted to pay, but perfect for its job.
    Steve Ski likes this.
  19. megroot A Fixture

    Great job

  20. megroot A Fixture

    Great job


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