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WIP Critique 200mm Coldstream Guard

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Andrew Craft, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Andrew Craft Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info Steve. I had a feeling the red was too bright. This one has been shelved for a few weeks now cause the uniform details were driving me nuts. Hats off to you guys who enjoy the detailed uniforms and the research, it does my head in.

  2. Andrew Craft Well-Known Member

    I pulled this guy off the shelf today to redo the red coat. I've tried to darken it up a little as it was a little too vibrant. Let me know if I'm close to the right colour.

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    Jamie Stokes likes this.
  3. billyturnip A Fixture

    I think it looks much better Andrew. Now this is only from memory but I seem to remember reading somewhere the Guards regiments had better quality uniforms than the Line infantry so going too dark wouldn't be accurate for a Coldstreamer.
    Funnily enough I'm just rereading the book On the Fields of Glory about the battles of the Waterloo campaign and there is a description of the red dye of the tunics running due to the downpour of 17th/18th June and staining the belts of the equipment. Having said that if the Guards had better quality uniforms there's might not have run.
  4. Andrew Craft Well-Known Member

    Thanks Roger. I'll keep it a clean white then.
    I started on the pants today but thought I'd check the shade of grey with you all before I go any further with the shadows and highlights. From the picture I have I think it's pretty close to where it should be.
    Any input would be great.


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