Completed 1st Rhode Island Regt from TFB Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all

Following on from the RWF I now have this on the bench

Added some edging to the headwear around sides and removed one of the cockade's

Was " thinking " ....danger alert..........of doing his shirt chequered ....not sure !!

Not yet added a bit of a beard ....but might do still

Currently basecoating , then will do the eyes first ,flesh , headwear

On the hat various pics show all white and one with white and blue ....thinking on that one , fitted feathers and using a hairdryer ( Yes I used the wife's not mine !!! ) to shape into cap more

Going to texture the hunting shirt with paint effects ...hopefully!

IMG_4718.JPG IMG_4720.JPG

Some fine examples of completed versions one using real feathers ( can't remember artists ...apologies )



All suggestions welcome

Happy benchtime

Quick iffyvision update ( click on for larger view)

Hunting Shirt .....Vallejo Japanese Tanker Highlight 332 with Burnt Umber walk over hanging cords (Vallejo 941)

Belts ....P3 Rucksack Tan

Shirt.....Reaper Weathered Stone 9087

Still to basecoat the flesh and eyes to do first

Decided no checked shirt ....atm !

Will do the brown leather belts different versions add variety

You can see my slight additions on helmet and hunting shirt

Thanks for looking in

Happy benchtime


IMG_5674.JPG IMG_5675.JPG IMG_5676.JPG IMG_5677.JPG
Piccy up date

Tidied up the basecoating, changing one of the cross belts and doing the face basecoating as well

Eyes completed

Will put a bit of putty in the left collar edge

Click on for larger views

Still thinking about wether to do a checked shirt or not !

As always any comments or suggestions welcome

Thanks for looking in


Great idea to use the textured paste to represent facial hair, not seen it used this way before. Look forward to seeing this come to life Kevin..

Hi Billy

Thanks for comment .......flesh is about 70% done to be careful not to overwork it .....don't want to go too light on mine

....looking at lips next ....on the bust not mine !

Couple of iffy pics for you to have another session at the bench


Hope we see something from your bench as well

Happy hobbytime

The texture paste works brilliantly IMO, well done! Given the discussion we have been having about "hair", I think this is a great approach. I will be getting some of this myself.
The texture paste works brilliantly IMO, well done! Given the discussion we have been having about "hair", I think this is a great approach. I will be getting some of this myself.

Thanks Nigel's a useful thing to have , Martin Antonenko put me onto it .....

Verbal update ...just eyebrows to do , stock painted

Next is the helmet ...going for a blue feather between 2 white as in the Don Troiani painting "Brave men that ever fought" which was unveiled at the Museum of American Revolution in 2021


Might do something with the anchor on the helmet ......stay tuned !

Going for a checked collar....maybe !! with the " white " waistcoat showing between the hunting coat

If I do it will use this as a ref

Happy benchtime

shouldnt that be one white feather between two blue........?!

Aha!! spotted it I was saying 2 blue , a white in middle ...........

There's so many variations in the refs I've seen , Mr Troiani used reenactors in their finery ........

Will need to see how the feathers look ....


For interest

Revolutionary War Hat. Worn by Captain-Lieutenant Benajah Carpenter, Rhode Island United Train of Artillery Militia (UTA). Courtesy of the Varnum Armory Museum in East Greenwich, RI


For now a bit of work on the anchor , will add a scroll underneath, this had the word "Hope" on it ...the same as their colours according to a ref I read...there are recorded variations as well !

IMG_5779.JPG Obviously a reproduction..from " Sons of the Revolution "


IMG_5780.JPG IMG_5781.JPG



Kevin, Now you’ve got me thinking about getting this bust as the dark flesh tones would be a first for me…. The other busts in this range you’ve painted look very nice as well….
Kevin, Now you’ve got me thinking about getting this bust as the dark flesh tones would be a first for me…. The other busts in this range you’ve painted look very nice as well….

Hi Billy

Nice to have you post on this , I really enjoyed painting the flesh on this " man of colour " and pleased with the result for the series .......Minimal prep and they look good painted ....

....and of course you don't have to add things like me !

Go on go for it'll enjoy it matter which you choose .....Note: I am not part of TFB !

the Queens Ranger was released today so that's in the line up when it arrives the base and nameplate sorted already

Happy benchtime and have fun

Quick picture update on the headwear

Now reworked , removed the anchor , added the scroll underneath ( this will have the word " hope" on it ) and then resculpted the anchor back, now base coated ready for the paint up

Also added a second rosesette which will be painted white , in the middle of the larger black one

Thanks for looking


Before IMG_5809.JPG After IMG_5806.JPG