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15th Century German Knight W.I.P

Discussion in 'Painting Techniques' started by dannyk01, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. dannyk01 New Member

    Well, I haven't had much activity on here in a while and now i'm wanting that to change a bit.

    I started this figure a while back now (I think at WASMEx with Tony) way back in August? Now that school has died down, I have a bit more time to do my hobbies :D

    Here is a Mini Art kit and is 1/16th scale. I have almost fully painted him in acrylics with exceptions of his leather belts and a little bit under his eyes with oils.

    Here are some pictures so far:





    Ok, All currently I am painting the shield and I am doing the hearldy on it but before I start any of it, I would like to know how you guyes (and girls) and there make them look scratched up?

    Daniel :)
  2. Guy A Fixture

    It looks like you are on the right track Daniel. Good work so far. I went ahead and woke your Knight up so he could stand for review.



    Please keep up posted on your progress.
  3. megroot A Fixture

    Good work Daniel.
    I think when you are painting with acrylic, you use to much paint. You should try more water and going over the areas a several time's.
    That's what i can see clearly on these pictures.
    You have to build up your highlight and shades also with a numbers of washes.
    If i see it good enough you used a transfer for the heraldic. Not i'm a fan of it, but try to avoid that he curles.
    But keep painting because you had the drive and the right spirit for painting figures.

  4. dannyk01 New Member

    Gah, the not-so-good pictures took away my highlights and shadows :(

    As with the thick paint, thats mainy got to do with me brushing on the primer instead of using the spray. It's something i have learnt and will probably not do to often any more.

    Also thankyou Guy for that :) This computer that i am using doesn't have a decent photo editing program installed back onto it yet so I am giving in the raw pictures.

  5. tonydawe A Fixture

    Hi Daniel,

    I've seen you work on the figure for several months now and each time it gets better. The addition of the heraldry transfer looks good. Keep going lad, there's much still to be done, and now that school's out you've got no excuses. Keep up the good work.
  6. dannyk01 New Member

    Thanks Tony, since your on at the moment, what would you say is the best way to resliatic scratches in his shield?? I have given it thought but am not game enough to try what i'm thinking so i'm asking for opinions before I hive it a go.

  7. Tommi A Fixture

    Hello Daniel

    The figure is looking good, the metals look nice, maybe do some deeper shadows on the painted areas and some more highlights, also pick out a bit of detail on the heraldry with a lighter colour
  8. dannyk01 New Member

    Haha, speak of the devil, I'm using your heraldy Tommi. Just about the Heraldy, I have just recently applied it and am going to soon do that next step onto it. With the highlights and shadows, after now looking at them more closley, i realise I could put more shadows onto him but the highlights aren't to bad. I will take your advice and tomorrow I will do a bit more on him.

  9. Tommi A Fixture

    If you are using one of the template masks make sure you fill the colour in with light washes or a mild stipple so you do not get any sharp or raised edges visable once you peel it back off, you can then paint in on top of the block colour and get a smooth transition between the herald and the base colour.
  10. tonydawe A Fixture

    Hi Daniel,

    For sword marks on the shield, press your hobby knife into the surface of the shield.

    Don't forget to add a few knicks and gouges along the edge too. When you paint the sword marks, allow a thin wash of black to run into the marks to give them depth.

    With battle damage, less is more. Don't overdo it.
  11. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    For brush mark free undercoating

    ..use an ordinary can of spray paint.

    Preferably a hobby paint, these have much finer finishes. Airbrush not required, just a few light coats.

    OK< enough of something you probably already know and will get around to next time.

    So far, very good. Armour finish looks right so far, heraldry going well, and the basic construction of the figure has been done properly.


    PS for figures that have part armour, many others on here seem to prep the figures, mask off the parts that will be metal anyway, then prime the fabric and flesh parts.

    skin tones are good too!!
  12. dannyk01 New Member

    Thanks everybody for the advice. Today I primered the shield but haven't taken any pictures yet (only because it's white and isn't really anything interesting).

    With the skin tones, thats where i reeaalllly need to thank tony. He showed me the basics and alot more on how to paint faces. As you all can tell, I am still learning and bit by bit i'm learning off of my mistakes.

  13. tonydawe A Fixture

    My pleasure Daniel,

    All of us started out making the same basic mistakes, and those of us who learn from those basic mistakes go on to make bigger and better mistakes but we keep learning as we go. The important thing is to have fun while you're learning, to continue asking questions and experimenting.

    I know most modellers start off admiring a certain painter or style of painting, and try to emulate their favourite artists, however through trial and error they end up developing their own unique style of painting.

    If you're interested, I have a 1/16th scale MiniArt kit of a mounted French Curassier which you can have. It's quite a challenge to build and paint but I think you're up to it.
  14. dannyk01 New Member

    That was one of the figures I was planning on getting next! I was deciding between getting hime or the French Dragoon. Also, I would like to accept your offer.

    Out of all honesty, I look at both yours and Chris Walden's Figures and say, "I would like to paint like that one day". I know it will take a while to get up to the level you guys are at but obviosly i don't paint with oils (well never really gave them a proper go).


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