Review 155th Regt from MJ Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Good to see that MJ Miniatures released another bust in their 1/16th series and that's the subject of this review .
The release was announced here by MJ Kim

This is No 4 in the scale here are the previous releases with links to my reviews




The ACW was a conflict that split families and brother fought brother , uniforms were much influenced by the period French uniforms with Zouave style being particularly popular with both me and officers and of course the ladies , it was adopted by both Confederate and Union alike ..the downside being that they were more visible on the battlefield.

The subject is an officer from the 155th Pennsylvania Regt with the men wearing wide dark blue breeches , dark blue jackets , , yellow lacework at the edges , collar and cuffs.
Around the waist a red sash about 10" wide and nearly 10' long!!, white canvas leggings , a white turban was worn in full dress replaced with a red fez and tassel ...still very distinctive!!

Officers wore a similar uniform but often going for a simpler french style sometimes with no leggings and a kepi....still very smart and a winner with the ladies again!

Rank was shown both by the lacing on the kepi and by shoulder boards .

The bugle horn was seen on the front of the kepi either embroidered or perhaps a brass version
Together with other regiments including the 140th and 146th New York and the 91st Pennsylvania formed the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Army Corps , known as the "Zouave Brigade" ...the only one in the Union Army


Of course books are plenty and I have more than I can say !! so here are a couple :

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Continued in next post

Onto the Resin

Details of the release

Title: Captain 155th PA Vol Inf 1861

Reference: MJ16-004

Scale: 1/16th

Material: Lt brown/flesh coloured Resin

No of pieces: 2

Sculptor: Dae-Hyeong, Kim

Box Art: Man-Jin, Kim

As with the previous releases in this scale , a small strong cardboard box with the pieces in a resealable bag and then in bubble wrap ...showing MJ's thought for the customer with the good presentation

A picture if the box art appears on the top and the sides......nice reference point even if you have no books !!!

MJ ACW BUST 001.jpg

Parts consist of just 2 the main torso and the peak of the kepi
MJ ACW BUST 003.jpg


With the minimum of pieces its going to be easy .....

Sand the underneath of the base and remove excess from peak and fit , remove a fine casting line that runs at the back in the middle

See told you it was easy !!!!!

Wash , Prime, and Paint

The resin colour is different but a good base to paint flesh on if you paint straight onto resin as some do.

Main Torso

The subject is looking rather dapper in his open jacket exposing his undershirt , needless to say the quality of sculpting is well up to the previous releases , nice folds on the shirt m the buttons are sharply worked and perfect in shape with corresponding button holes on the jacket itself .

The jacket has lacework running at the edges at the front and around the collar, this has good undercuts and well defined between it and the undershirt , on the shoulders we have the rank bars of a captain again nicely done , seams are evident as well .

The head is that of a young society concious fellow possibly older in thought with all he has seen but proud to serve the union and in this regiment .

Facial features are very good indeed , the nose has a good shape with the same being said of the eyes , the mouth is slightly open with a rather "french" looking beard on the end of his chin ...nice touch that , the hair has good texture , long but well dressed , a face full of character in all areas.
MJ ACW BUST 011.jpg

The kepi is a gem of work sharply sculpted the strap is cleanly done with above it the bugle horn , well shaped , as befitting his rank there are fine lacework around the kepi and on the top another set in the form of a trefoil in a set of 2 ...very clever work .
MJ ACW BUST 012.jpg
MJ ACW BUST 009.jpg
MJ ACW BUST 005.jpg
MJ ACW BUST 008.jpgMJ ACW BUST 007.jpgMJ ACW BUST 006.jpg
The Peak of the kepi is a nice piece , a little delicate , straight at the front edge , nice t have it separate as this helps the painting of the eyes ( I recommend you do these first and then fit the peak ) .

MJ ACW BUST 014.jpg

Final thoughts

Another nice addition from of MJ and DH ,These are simple to work with and gives just as much enjoyment as a larger bust very good quality in presentation and casting ...alongside the other 3 a nice grouping in the display cabinet.....I hope we see more in this scale .

Recommended to all

For more details on this and all the other great releases in all scales why not visit the website at:

e mail: [email protected]

Thanks to
for the Review piece and all of you for looking in

Before I finish enjoy the boxart in full


Nice review Kev. I like that the peak for the cap is separate.
The brass bugle horn was worn by other ranks, including Nco's.

Cheers Bob agree about the peak and the horn , I put that in as a shape reference but I have seen comments of it being used by officers as well!

Thanks for looking in and commenting

Nice job MJ Productions...This bust has a lot of detail and character. look forward to seeing one in person at the upcoming Atlanta Show in a week.

Thanks for Sharing, Terry Martin-Atlanta Miniature Figure Society
Would love to see MJ Productions do a member of the Cherokee Rifles that fought in the West under Stand Watie!
Fingers crossed...All one can do is ask!

Best of Everything, Terry Martin-Atlanta Miniature Figure Society of Atlanta, GA

Is this it ?
Yes, that is the regiment I was referring to0! Quite a few pictures of them in various books. They were Native Americans, Cherokees to be exact. Wore a lot of cast off gear. No specific uniform, though some had shell jackets. I think a Cherokee Rifle would be a fun bust to paint and one that would appeal because of the uniqueness in dress, accoutrements, headgear.

Thanks for your reply!

Terry Martin-Member of the Atlanta Miniature Figure Society