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Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Steve Ski, Nov 20, 2022.

  1. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Tanks, Stevo! Working Billy right now:D
    1969 likes this.
  2. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Billy Bob, from Kentucky, is Ready for Duty, with a Smile, or smirk!


    Billy was handled in the same manner as Hank and Freddie. Close attention was paid to the palette tones this time around to get as close as possible to his mate, Freddie. Like I mentioned before, redressing color tones on the palette can be a pain, but I recon we’re mighty dang close on this run. After all, they are standing next to each other in this scenario, they need to be looking like they got their uniforms at the same time.

    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    The format for painting Billy was simple enough, just do it again, for the third time, lol. The one gripe I have is the right hand, it’s rather kinda “Bozo” in appearance, but oh well, Ruck On. There really isn’t much I could do about it short of a re-sculpt and I have not talent in that arena.

    Here Is the trio front and center in a group photo. I am happy with the results so far.


    Now it’s time to get into the splinter camo pattern of the SS and get to work on “Bob”. Ya, that’s right, a German Bob. Lol, I can hear it already, or again, like it hasn’t been brought up before,….. a German “Bob”? Ya gotta remember, this is a comical scenario which will be evident soon enough. I’m having fun on this trip.

    Thanks for watchin. Cheers, Ski.
  3. bigtodd PlanetFigure Supporter

    Billy's face is your best one yet!!!!!!
  4. Mike - The Kiwi A Fixture


    Ski, been flat out lately with life so only just getting time to catch up on a few threads here.
    Billy’s face is a real cracker mate.
    Liking subtle tones & weathering on his face, very convincing.
    All three really complement each other.
    You gotta be happy with how this is all landing Steve.
    Ruck on!
    Nap, 1969 and Steve Ski like this.
  5. sd0324 A Fixture

    I agree on this.

    Panzer22 likes this.
  6. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thanks, Todd. Ya know, when I was going thru the process I thought Billy's face was the worst, but he did come around, finally. I consider the head swap that Steve Reedee's sent me was a wise choice.

    Thanks, Mike. Hope you get back up to speed and in the bunker again soon, Brother. Yes, I am very pleased with how this is turning out. I'd have say I've been getting some devine assistance, cause I sure the heck couldn't have done this on my own.;)

    Thanks, Steve, I appreciate that, Ma Brotha!
    Mike - The Kiwi likes this.
  7. Ferris A Fixture

    Very cool how this is developing Steve!

    Steve Ski likes this.
  8. Jeff T A Fixture

    Just beautiful work Steve!....superb work on the variations and tones of the drab uniforms especially, the blending is just gorgeous, really like it mate!

    Steve Ski likes this.
  9. NigelR A Fixture

    Superb work Steve, these figures look fantastic. The flag is very nice as well. Looking forward to seeing it all come together(y)
    Steve Ski and Panzer22 like this.
  10. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thank you, Adrian.

    Thanks, Jeff, I appreciate that.

    Thanks, Nigel. One more figure to go then ground work, yehaaaa!
    Jeff T likes this.
  11. Robert Jan de Wit PlanetFigure Supporter

    Amazing work Steve. I enjoy your dedication to your projects.
  12. 1969 A Fixture

    Impressive line up of figures Ski, liking how these three look together.
  13. MalcC A Fixture

    Great work

  14. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thank you, Robert, very kind of you.

    Thanks, Stevo. I really do appreciate the replacement head, a far cry from the a stock one.

    Thanks, Malc!
  15. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Oh, Bob,…What Were You Thinking?

    It’s been a long run, but not longer than most. We’re done with the figures, finally, and Bob has rounded up the crew to wrap up this set of figures. This was my third run at the splinter pattern and it gets easier each time. Once the initial pattern is laid down the rest is just a matter of keeping the liner brush straight when making the splinter strokes. No, it’s not easy, but it’s just as matter of staying focused on each and every stroke.

    [IMG] [IMG]

    [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]

    I’m satisfied with the results, so carry on we will,………… The shadows and highlights are a simple matter of blending in some dark oils in the creases and lighter tones of the initial coat base onto the high points. The helmet decals were printed to scale and touched up with oils for more clarification.

    Let’s make some Whiskey bottles, Champagne, or even some vino bottles, shall we? Let’s make em. Here’s how;


    This was a pretty slick way to get a few more extras into the scenario, so just a bit of practice and we’re good. Good thing my pretty little woman had some glue sticks in her inventory. After making the bottles I used Tamiya’s clear colors to make the bottle tones, simple enough. I ran a search for WWII French bottle labels and printed them up and glued them in place. The possibilities are numerous, but this scale worked for me this time since I’ve never seen 1/16th or 120mm wine bottle anywhere, just scratch built.

    Time for dirt work and veggies, and then the base will be ready for figure placement. Now the show begins, cause if this ain’t right, it’s all in vain, and we didn’t come this far to jack it all up, did we? Ruck On, Bby!

    More to follow soon. Cheers, Ski.
    Nap, MalcC, oldtrousers and 6 others like this.
  16. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    Those figures are beautiful Steve, incredible work. Thanks for posting on the critique thread as well, I've been learning lots from reading the comments and following your progress.

    Really sorry if this isn't the right place and if it's unwelcome/you already know please do tell me to wind my neck in, but you might find the collar on the German chap should be grey. The Zeltbahn has a re-enforced slit that you put your head through, that tends to chafe the neck so people sometimes put their tunic collars through to hold it out of the way, I think that might be what this figure is doing, a bit like the attached image. The camo is beautiful btw! 82a13672f541c26950c5d32ce791d113.jpg
  17. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Howdy Warhammer, and thanks for the kind words. Hey, no worries when it comes to constructive criticism, that's how we learn. All comments are welcome. “wind my neck in”, HA!, I never heard it put that way, but that is a good one. lol.:ROFLMAO:

    Well, it appears I have done a Bozo Nono in a big way, which means this issue must be corrected. Good eye, Warhammer, and thanks for the correction!!!

    Every little bit of detail always helps along the way, but I sure do miss something with every build due to some slight form of "lack of attention to detail". It’s a constant battle, but I keep fighting it, cause this Sport is just too much fun.

    Thanks again, Warhammer!
  18. WarhammerAdjacent Well-Known Member

    No worries and happy to help. Another point that occurred to me is that splinter was a Heer rather SS camo, although it isn’t that unlikely someone picked up a zeltbahn when they needed one.

    It also occurs to me that I need a better username! Or a sig block.
    Nap and Steve Ski like this.
  19. NigelR A Fixture

    Great progress Steve, looking really good(y)
  20. 1969 A Fixture

    Nice to see Bob all finished up and looking good. I like the wine bottle idea will make nice additions to the scene.

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