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Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Steve Ski, Nov 20, 2022.

  1. Steve Ski A Fixture

    120mm Figures Sculpted by Maurice Corry, offered by Mitches Military Models.

    Back in the warm waters of Olive Drab and Khaki tones, after the “Battle of the Tartans”, I pulled from my stash a really great couple of figures that have been itching to be worked. Initially there would have been a total of eight figures in this dio, but I scaled it back for lack of space when completed. My curio cabinet is getting full.

    In this build there will be four 120 mm, Maurice Corry figures and a Freedom Model Kits 1/16th German Sd.kfz.2 Kettenkraftrad Typ HK 101. Starting off with some really great poses from Maurice Corry’s Airborne figure sets I couldn’t pass up this pair representing the iconic photo of the 101st AB in Normandy holding the Nazi flag. There are two represented from that famous photo and two others, A GI holding a German prisoner at bayonet point.

    The initial set from that iconic photo doesn’t appear to be available anymore, but the second set is still shown on the second page as available, 120mm Us Airborne Private with German POW.

    The Freedom Model Kits 1/16th German Sd.kfz.2 Kettenkraftrad Typ HK 101 is still available and is reasonably priced for this kit, IHMO. It even comes with a driver, not bad.

    Now I know some of you are going to mention that 120mm and 1/16th scales don’t mix. True, but it’s all in the presentation, right? So, I will work with a little optical illusion when placing that Sd.kfz.2. I haven’t quite figured out the scenario just yet, but there will be some small structure and lots of rubble within the scene. Point being, I need to keep my figure work going and these figures were in the cue.

    These four resin figures themselves have some really great usable poses which makes for so many possibilities in dio placement. Clean-up was pretty much as per usual, nothing too far out of the ordinary, the casting was good. I did have to make a few minor alterations, some of the parts weren’t fitting as well as they should have, but nothing drastic.

    The rifle straps were made from sheet pewter and some copper wire for the lugs, and a few other parts. I also made a pair of glasses for the GI with the flag. They appear a bit on the thick side, so I may scour for a bit thinner wire, but that will be towards the end of the build. Lastly, the figures were given a primer coat of Floquil Primer, oil based, to help identify any areas missed and prep for the base tone color application.

    Freedom Model Kits 1/16th German Sd.kfz.2 Kettenkraftrad Typ HK 101 is now in production and is available from several vendors. This is a decent kit so far and it appears to be going together nicely. This blog will not feature the Sd.kfz.2 build, per se, but is mainly about the Airborne figures and painting them. I will update the progress, but not with any SBS on this rig.

    [IMG] [IMG]

    More to follow soon, the Sd has to be done before the figure work begins at full speed. Thanks for watching.

    Cheers, Ski.
  2. rustyratliff Well-Known Member

    This looks like it is going to be a interesting project. Looking forward to seeing this progress.

    Nap likes this.
  3. Nap Moderator

    Hi Steve

    Sounds like a great project , would love to see at least some build pics on the Sd as well ....adds nicely imo

    As for figures .....bit early but any thoughts yet on the uniform colour mix ?

    You could always give the figs a tartan scarf .......,

    Following with interest

    Happy benchtime

    Oda likes this.
  4. TERRYSOMME1916 A Fixture

    Looking forward to this project, a lot of benchtime their but it will be impressive when finish.
    Oda likes this.
  5. 1969 A Fixture

    Chair pulled up for front row viewing, will be following along Ski, looking forward to seeing your painting of the Sd.kfz.2 to get some inspiration for my own.
  6. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thanks, Rusty, full steam ahead, or,..........drive on? Lol You know what I mean, onward.:confused:;)

    You're trying to give me flashbacks, arn'tcha, Kevin, HA! Well, so far the research shows 17th SS Panzergrenadiers in Carentan, so splinter pattern on the coat, etc. I'm looking forward to the structure work myself, haven't done any of that since my Afghan dio. SBS for the bike will slow me down, so it'll be a pass this time, only pic updates. Sorry, Mate.

    Thanks, Terry, glad you stopped in;)

    Thanks, Stevo. The kit is going together decently enough. I'll be using the tan base with green and redish brown camo pattern, pretty common from what I'm seeing on historical sites. I may have to add another MC figure to make the story line carry correctly, mulling that over right now.

    Thanks, Gents.
    kempie, 1969 and Nap like this.
  7. NigelR A Fixture

    Wow, another ambitious project!
  8. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Ya,..........let see if I can keep the juices flowin and make some sense of this layout, lol. Thanks, Buddy!
  9. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    Looking forward to this one.. bigger scale and your amazing brush work.. what a combination..
  10. Warren SMITH A Fixture

    Oh, by the way.. if you run out of room in your cabinet, I have plenty of room in mine.. :whistle:
    1969 likes this.
  11. Dolf Well-Known Member

    Another great project, Steve!
    I'm sitting on the 1st row to not miss a thing :LOL:


  12. Henk A Fixture

    Elbowing my way to the front, snacks in one hand, beverage in other....

    Looking forward to this one Steve. Ruck on ;-)
  13. Nap Moderator


    Look can you guys sit down ......we can't see at the back ........and pass back the snacks ...


    Look forward to seeing the splinter camo and seeing this build progress especially that moped ....lol

    Happy benchtime

    Oda and Dolf like this.
  14. Henk A Fixture

    Steve, looking forward to see you do your magic on the Krad. Don't go to heavy on the weathering, at the time of D-Day, the German troops in France were garrison troops, and equipment would have been clean and well maintained.
  15. Henk A Fixture

    Scotty and Nap like this.
  16. MattMcK. PlanetFigure Supporter

    Looking forward to this!
  17. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thanks, Warren, Dolf, Kevin, Henk, and Matt.

    Yall are bit anxious to see this get off the ground, me too, HA! My wife is a clean freak, so please pick up any spilled popcorn and soda when we get done, ok? The dog house is getting smaller and I already owe the dogs back rent for my summer stay. :eek: And no need to muscle into the front row, there's plenty of room along the side railing.

    This trak-bike has issues with the steering and how it goes together, rather weak, imho. I'm adding some electrical wiring for the lights, throttle, etc., trying to get this to be a bit more realistic. It's a great kit, trust me, but the way the forks attach to the rig is pathetically weak, I'm not impressed at all. I will be making modifications for a bit more stability.

    Thanks for the review link, Henk. I’m still researching the markings, I’m totally clueless on that issue. If you have references for the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division, I would appreciate the intel. I’ve been doing some digging, but running into generic info only.

    This rig will be showing some wear and tear, for sure. It has to be dinged up for the Carentan fight. That was a tug of war situation, from my understanding. What would a good 101st AB dio be if it wasn't grit and grundgy?;)

    I'll post a mid-production pic later this week, before the weekend. My focus is to get this rig up to speed, primed, camo'd, and weathered so I can get to paiting some faces. I'm really looking forward to this mono-tone paint scheme, HA! Oh ya, that splinter cover-coat, almost forgot, lol.

    Thank you, Gentlemen, more coming real soon.

    P.S. Thanks for the offer, Warren.;)
    Nap likes this.
  18. Henk A Fixture

    I'll dig through my reference this weekend Steve. I'll see what I can russle up.

    As for weathering, sure, dirty etc, just not looking like it's been on the Eastern Front for six months l. Don't forget that the Germans made extensive use of foliage for camouflage.

    Any layout ideas for the diorama yet? Bocage hedgerow? Churchyard? Café?
  19. Steve Ski A Fixture

    Thanks, Henk, I appreciate the assist. Still mulling over the scenario.
  20. John Rosengrant A Fixture

    Cool stuff look forward to it

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