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1/9 Sergeant major bust

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Whitney, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. Whitney Active Member

    Making some progress on this bust. I painted the skin tones using Vallejo and Reaper acrylics the rest of it was done with Reaper acrylics. Please pick the one eye color blind guy a part. I have never tried to do a Union soldier before so I don't know if I'm even close to being right.. Any help would be appreciated thanks Whitney

    IMG_20180327_174008.jpg IMG_20180327_174017.jpg IMG_20180327_173832.jpg IMG_20180327_173350.jpg
    aknific, oldtrousers, Grod and 5 others like this.
  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Whitney

    For me think the union blue looks good , I wouldn't push the highs any further

    Nice progress on this

    Thanks for sharing

    captnenglish and Whitney like this.
  3. Viking Bob PlanetFigure Supporter

    I like the skin tones you have used, looks very good. As for the union Blue.......


    Take your pick.
  4. grunt26 Member

    Looks rather exceptional!
    Viking Bob likes this.

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