You could use washes of each and see what works bestGuys, I have primed this now having waited about a month for it to be totally dry!
Can anyone help with colours for this figure in respect of acrylics? Some of the reference pics look blue/green, but others look brown/rust??
I'm ok painting but not got a great eye for actual colour mixes!
For such a cool project I would recommand going to the original source for Alien. You should get your hands on a book about H.R. Giger with copies of the original artwork.
Maybe in a public library or buy one at the bookstore or online.
I am a huge fan of the guy.
As for colours, it is such a personnal choice but in any case, you should not go with pure greys since will look fake without any 'life'.. add some brown here, some deep dark blue there, etc.