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  1. Excatlon

    Acrylics Young Miniatures Ss Panzer Crew Color Chart

    with one should it choose?
  2. Excatlon

    Acrylics Young Miniatures Ss Panzer Crew Color Chart

    Hello I have this piece and could you tell me some mix's for this tunic?? also attaching pic of this tunic?? right one?? regards
  3. Excatlon

    Aide De Camp (métal Modèles)

    superb!!! what color did you used for undercoat??
  4. Excatlon


    fantastic!! how produced it??
  5. Excatlon

    U-boat crew man uniform need help!!!

    thanks a lot!!!
  6. Excatlon

    U-boat crew man uniform need help!!!

    hmmm when im looking at this bust none of this uniforms fits to this piece:( maybe i'm wrong thanks guys
  7. Excatlon

    U-boat crew man uniform need help!!!

    hmmm when im looking at this bust none of this uniforms fits to this piece:( maybe i'm wrong thanks guys
  8. Excatlon

    U-boat crew man uniform need help!!!

    thanks guys!!
  9. Excatlon

    U-boat crew man uniform need help!!!

    Hello!! Could someone tell me what kind of uniform is wearing this figure?? Also If someone could post pics of this uniform:) regards
  10. Excatlon

    Completed Critique Pirati Pegaso Models and Germanic Warrior

    Hello!! Some niew stuff what do you think about it??:thumb: regards
  11. Excatlon

    Completed LIGHT!

    Superb work!!
  12. Excatlon

    Completed Critique Admiral of the St.John Order

    face and red color looks fantastic!!
  13. Excatlon

    English Uniform

    sure thanks!!
  14. Excatlon

    English Uniform

    medium flesh?
  15. Excatlon

    English Uniform

    Hello Could some one tell me what color should I use to highlight Vallejo English Uniform and shadow it?? regards
  16. Excatlon

    The Northern Raider

    Fantastic! do you remember about this pics of your photo station? regards
  17. Excatlon

    Pegaso february news ?

    All I know that the box art for Landshnecht is ready:p