Good day all. After a few year absence I’m trying my hand again.
Anybody know of figure manufactures/ suppliers in 1:50 (35mm) scale- particular pirates but will be grateful for any figure I can convert. I stay and Africa and figure painting is at rare as aliens.
Good day all. After a few year absence I’m trying my hand again.
Anybody know of figure manufactures/ suppliers in 1:50 (35mm) scale- particular pirates but will be grateful for any figure I can convert. I stay and Africa and figure painting is at rare as aliens.
Thanks guys.
Geez I have a lot to learn. Looking at the quality that you guys produce and the attention to detai, I feel like a house painter.
If I can achieve 10% of what you achieve , I’ll be one happy bra
I have recently taken the brush and paint pot up again.
How this hobby has changed over the past 25 years since I’ve done my last figure.
I stay in South Africa and it is quite difficult to get hold any figures.
Fortunately I came across Steve at SK Miniatures. What a man!
Great service!
My first figure I finished I well over 20 years.
I’m quite happy with my rusty fingers and failing eyesight.
I know it is not nearly the quality of the paintwork featured in your forum so please help.
I find whites very difficult as well as diluting paint and to be able to blend effectively as...