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  1. Dawid

    Need 1:50 scale figures

    Good day all. After a few year absence I’m trying my hand again. Anybody know of figure manufactures/ suppliers in 1:50 (35mm) scale- particular pirates but will be grateful for any figure I can convert. I stay and Africa and figure painting is at rare as aliens. Thanks
  2. Dawid

    Need 1:50 scale figures

    Good day all. After a few year absence I’m trying my hand again. Anybody know of figure manufactures/ suppliers in 1:50 (35mm) scale- particular pirates but will be grateful for any figure I can convert. I stay and Africa and figure painting is at rare as aliens. Thanks
  3. Dawid

    WIP Knight in tournament armour

    How on earth is this possible?
  4. Dawid

    Bicycle Rider (Kettenhund) with Zündapp !!

    Hi Macheal Great looking scooter. Who is the figure by?
  5. Dawid

    Kellerkind Miniatures NEWs

    Hammer is my favorite tool in the box
  6. Dawid

    Mohawk from Altores Miniatures

    Wow. I think this is the first time that ears are separated casts on a figure
  7. Dawid

    Looking for fellow painters in SA

    Does anybody know of figure painters and or stores in South Africa?
  8. Dawid

    I’m back

    Thanks guys. Geez I have a lot to learn. Looking at the quality that you guys produce and the attention to detai, I feel like a house painter. If I can achieve 10% of what you achieve , I’ll be one happy bra
  9. Dawid

    Dwarf from 10 from Legion Miniatures

    Thanks I got sorted out by email
  10. Dawid

    Dwarf from 10 from Legion Miniatures

    Thanks I mailed him already. His website does not have operational order link
  11. Dawid

    Dwarf from 10 from Legion Miniatures

    Where can I order this model from? Looks like Legion does not have a order link on their web page.
  12. Dawid

    I’m back

    I have recently taken the brush and paint pot up again. How this hobby has changed over the past 25 years since I’ve done my last figure. I stay in South Africa and it is quite difficult to get hold any figures. Fortunately I came across Steve at SK Miniatures. What a man! Great service!
  13. Dawid

    Have a go!

    Thanks Steve. It means a lot to me
  14. Dawid

    Have a go!

    Thanks Terry. I know what buttons to push!
  15. Dawid

    Have a go!

    Thanks Marc
  16. Dawid

    Have a go!

    Hi Thanks for the advice. Will have to work on my patience
  17. Dawid

    Have a go!

    My first figure I finished I well over 20 years. I’m quite happy with my rusty fingers and failing eyesight. I know it is not nearly the quality of the paintwork featured in your forum so please help. I find whites very difficult as well as diluting paint and to be able to blend effectively as...
  18. Dawid


    Thanks for all the contributions. I’ll use both af the methords and post the results
  19. Dawid


    Hi. What is the most effective way to strip oil paint off 90mm figure to clachive nice smooth finish
  20. Dawid

    Blacksmith Miniatures (France) - News

    Can’t find “key keeper” on their website is it still available?