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  1. Hawk_Uk

    BMSS Annual Show April 26th 2025 - 90th!

    Having had them over the last few years. I can fully recommend the bacon rolls, and cakes, at the show. Look forward to catching up with everyone at the show, hopefully we will have castings of our new releases with us. Along with our paintbrushes :)
  2. Hawk_Uk

    BMSS Annual Show April 26th 2025 - 90th!

    Hope you both can make it. We are hoping to have some of our new releases with us as well. Along with our ever popular paintbrushes
  3. Hawk_Uk

    D.F. Grieve range

    You might want to try Dave Freeman at DF Miniatures (the old Bonaparts) as they had a large number of David master also try Graham at CGS as he has some I think as well. We only have masters from his 100mm range and the two 150mm figures he did.
  4. Hawk_Uk

    New Release and Xmas Closure

    We released a new 75mm model kit at SMC this year which was title Internment, Battle of Antietam 1862, which show a Confederate Officer being taken prison by a Union Office. Sculpted by the talented hands of Alan Ball Inspired by a scene from Yellowstone 1883. More details here Also...
  5. Hawk_Uk

    White Rose Guild of Miniature Painters Xmas Bash

    Hope you have a good day and remember John in style. Alas we can be with you this year.
  6. Hawk_Uk

    Fen Model Show 2024

    Hi Rob, I totally agree about you comments for the Fen show, and also the Figure World North show, great atmosphere lots of new faces and plenty of models to look at and learn from. Also the modelers were all happy to chat and talk about the hobby and share techniques. My stand was up near...
  7. Hawk_Uk

    Kulmbach Show 09-11 August 2024

    Definitely would not miss SMC I have too much fun there.
  8. Hawk_Uk

    Crimean War figure help.

    We have the storming the Great Redan set which is 75mm in size. Our Charge of the Light Brigade which is 90mm is currently out of stock
  9. Hawk_Uk

    Kulmbach Show 09-11 August 2024

    Hope you have a good show Pete, we cant be with you this year but hope to return in 2-26 at the next one. Se you @SMC
  10. Hawk_Uk

    The Duke of Wellington

    Nicely done Kevin.
  11. Hawk_Uk

    David Grieve busts ...who is carrying them ?

    Hi All, Thanks for the enquiry regarding the D F Grieve busts and I am sorry the website is not fully up to date. This is due to a few issues we have had over the first half of this year. But I am striving to get it update as soon as I can now. The DFG bust I have the masters for are: DFG/01...
  12. Hawk_Uk

    WIP 10th Hussars 1808(Prince of Wales)

    Nice to see you back at the brushes Paul and a great little figure. Will look forward to seeing the finished piece. The 150mm 15th Hussar mentioned by Mike will be back in stock later this year.
  13. Hawk_Uk

    The White Rose Figure World North 2024

    Just the last minute packing to do to make sure everything is ready for the show. Then up early on Saturday to drive up to Easingwold for the show. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
  14. Hawk_Uk

    Drummer British Foot Guards

    For those interested I will have a few of the David Grieve Coldstream Guards Drummer 1815 100mm at the forth coming Sword and Lance show in Darlington on the 13th APril 2024.
  15. Hawk_Uk

    BMSS Annual Show 27th April 2024

    We are looking forward to attending the show this year, after last years mishap.
  16. Hawk_Uk

    The White Rose Figure World North 2024

    We are looking forward to the show already.
  17. Hawk_Uk

    Review Hawk's Miniatures, miniature brushes.

    Just a side note PVA is better as it has slight give in it when set. Where as the others set hard and given the furrels need to flex a little as you use the brushes the give is good. Hope that makes sense
  18. Hawk_Uk

    Review Hawk's Miniatures, miniature brushes.

    Hi Richie and Hank, Thanks for the vote of confidence in our paintbrushes and I am glad they are working out for you. We restocked our range of Black handle paintbrushes just before Christmas and the good news for 2024 is that we are holding the 2023 prices for another year. They can be...
  19. Hawk_Uk

    Program for labels

    Possible one to look at are: Paint.Net which is a free graphic program or Open Office a free office replacement.
  20. Hawk_Uk

    Program for labels

    Hi Francisco Any word processor or presentation, or spreadsheet application can print the labels. The main question will be which one you are comfortable at using to achieve the desired results. I tend to use both Word and PowerPoint depending on how much control I need over the output...