Various kits that are in progress... and have been for a while.
4 nearly finished:
- 120mm Black Watch officer circa 1900 - 1930 (from Red Hackle Miniatures)
- 100mm RSM Scots Guards circa 1900 (from Chota Sahib)
- 100mm Guardsman Coldstream Guards (from D.F. Grieve)
- Bust The Duke of...
Dear all,
Some work in progress pictures of the Red Hackle Miniatures Black Watch Officer circa 1900-1932... progress is a tad slow due to having to go overseas to PNG fairly regularly of late...
All comments and suggestions most welcome.
Yours aye,
Milan Dufek has kindly supplied me with some pictures of his completed rendition of the Red Hackle Miniatures Black Watch Officer circa 1900 - 1932.
For all enquiries regarding this figure, please email: [email protected]
Figure sculpted by Christopher Sorby (YBross Sculpts) and cast by Jason Miller.
This 120mm figure is now available to order and is priced at $85 AUD.
This release will be limited to 100 figures and is the first of hopefully many more Scottish and Commonwealth figures (and busts).
Post and...
One of Andy Cairn's 200mm British Army in Afghanistan busts.
A few corrections were done, including scratch building the Bowman ear piece.
Not 100% happy with the desert DPM... but will have a go at refining it with a different figure.
All comments, observations and suggestions warmly received.
Dear All,
I am at the planning stages for the creation of a large(ish) diorama depicting The Black Watch at the battle of Quatre Bras and was hoping that someone might have some suggestions as to what would be a suitable source for replicating the corn / wheat field grasses that the battle was...
Dear All,
I am looking to get my hands on some of the old Roll Call Royal Scots figures, in particular the figures Kneeling, standing firing and reloading. I am more than willing to pay a more than reasonable price, so if you happen to have any in your stash that you know in your heart of...
Dear All,
My modelling has been a bit all over the place for the last wee while due to work and other personal matters... and whilst I have a number of items I want to finish off, they are currently packed away on boxes, and so I decided to crack on with a couple of figures that were easy to...
I thought I would make a start on this lovely figure whilst I ponder the colour of the DPM jacket on the 200mm Black Watch NI figure...
First some reference pictures taken of a similar uniform whilst meandering around RHQ last October (all pictures taken with permission of the staff)
Have attached the final pics of the 200mm figure of an Aussie digger in Rwanda...
This figure has been blogged on my vbench... but I thought I would chance my arm and see if anyone had suggestions for improvements.
All comments welcome.
A slowish WIP of an Aussie Digger serving in Rwanda.
The figure is a Phil Walden sculpt, sadly now out of production, but formerly released by the Military Workshop in Brisbane (they have now refocused the business on selling militaria, prints and King & Country figures).
This is a first...
In an effort to get my modelling mojo back I have decided to have a go a building and painting this rather lovely figure from CGS miniatures.
Graham very kindly sent this figure out to me for free along with a larger order, including some replacement part for the D.F. Grieve sculpted...
A rather hurried conversion of a verlinden 120mm CMP L/CPl to make him resemble an RMP L/Cpl from 1974 (it's to be a christmas pressie...).
This conversion is based on a number of pictures of members of 243 RMP on their annual camp in 1974 - this figure is for my father who was there...and...