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  1. jakbwrhr

    WIP The clutter that is my bench!

    Various kits that are in progress... and have been for a while. 4 nearly finished: - 120mm Black Watch officer circa 1900 - 1930 (from Red Hackle Miniatures) - 100mm RSM Scots Guards circa 1900 (from Chota Sahib) - 100mm Guardsman Coldstream Guards (from D.F. Grieve) - Bust The Duke of...
  2. jakbwrhr

    WIP Black Watch Officer circa 1900-1932

    Some progress after a challenging few months and struggling to find the time and motivation to paint. A few things to tidy up, but some solid progress. All thoughts, comments and suggestions most welcome. Click on for larger images
  3. jakbwrhr

    Wanting to Buy PiliPili Highland Clansman

    Hi Fokion, I would be delighted to buy it if you do decide to part with it. Very much agree with your very polite warning to one and all about the dangers of buying from Facebook marketplace and my reply was in no way meant as a criticism - rather an opportunity to share very positive...
  4. jakbwrhr

    Wanting to Buy PiliPili Highland Clansman

    Sadly a friend grabbed it 5 minutes before I messaged him. Delighted Al got it though. Robert is definitely a very honest and honourable seller.
  5. jakbwrhr

    Wanting to Buy PiliPili Highland Clansman

    Have been after this figure for some time and would be willing to pay a more than fair price if anyone has one they wish to part with.
  6. jakbwrhr

    WIP Blackwatch 'Ensign to the Colours'

    Hi Nap, The primary reference is from a picture hanging in the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders museum. The gent pictured has kindly given permission for his likeness to be used. Gary is somewhat of an institution within the Argylls. I was there as a kid on the esplanade at Stirling Castle when...
  7. jakbwrhr

    WIP Blackwatch 'Ensign to the Colours'

    Sadly, given the lack of response to the first RedHackle Miniatures figure of a Black Watch officer in 120mm I thought I would see if 90mm proved to be more popular! If this figure sells well there I may be persuaded to release the next in 120mm Yours aye, James
  8. jakbwrhr

    WIP Black Watch Officer circa 1900-1932

    Dear all, Some work in progress pictures of the Red Hackle Miniatures Black Watch Officer circa 1900-1932... progress is a tad slow due to having to go overseas to PNG fairly regularly of late... All comments and suggestions most welcome. Yours aye, James
  9. jakbwrhr

    Black Watch Officer

    Hi Nap, Box Art has kindly been done by Alan Mackie, not Milan... I just thought it would be good to share his rendition of the figure. Cheers, James
  10. jakbwrhr

    Black Watch Officer

    120mm - it's a limited release of 100 figures
  11. jakbwrhr

    Black Watch Officer

    Milan Dufek has kindly supplied me with some pictures of his completed rendition of the Red Hackle Miniatures Black Watch Officer circa 1900 - 1932. For all enquiries regarding this figure, please email: [email protected]
  12. jakbwrhr

    Completed Black Watch late 19th Century 1/16th

    Box art as kindly supplied by Alan Mackie Picture has been treated with a filter to give it the feel of a colour photograph from the era.
  13. jakbwrhr

    Black Watch Officer circa 1900 - 1932 (Red Hackle Miniatures)

    Box art, kindly undertaken by Al Mackie. Picture has had a filter applied to give it a look of a colour photograph from the era.
  14. jakbwrhr

    Completed Black Watch late 19th Century 1/16th

    This figure is now available to order! Figure sculpted by Christopher Sorby (YBross Sculpts) and cast by Jason Miller. This 120mm figure is now available to order and is priced at $85 AUD. Post and Packaging is $15 AUD within Australia and $25 AUD for International orders. Toorder, please email...
  15. jakbwrhr

    Black Watch Officer circa 1900 - 1932 (Red Hackle Miniatures)

    Figure sculpted by Christopher Sorby (YBross Sculpts) and cast by Jason Miller. This 120mm figure is now available to order and is priced at $85 AUD. This release will be limited to 100 figures and is the first of hopefully many more Scottish and Commonwealth figures (and busts). Post and...
  16. jakbwrhr

    Completed Black Watch late 19th Century 1/16th

    Hi Mike, I will be producing this as a commercial figure. It is already with the gent who will cast it. I will put the details on how to buy one up once I have the box art, etc. sorted. Kind regards, James
  17. jakbwrhr

    Completed Black Watch late 19th Century 1/16th

    It will be :)
  18. jakbwrhr

    Completed Black Watch late 19th Century 1/16th

    Hi Neal, It will be a cast to order release with the first run capped at 50 figures. There will also be a second contemporary Black Watch officer figure coming at some point later. Cheers, James