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Long Island Club to hold Painting Seminar

Discussion in 'Miniature Clubs' started by Scipio1, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Scipio1 New Member

    the Long Island club will be hosting a painting seminar -conducted by me (Greg DiFranco) -on Sunday September 18th 2011 at the Freeport Rec Center. This will be hands on with 4 to 5 instructors walking around for personal instruction and demonstrations. There will be 2 groups, apprentice and advanced. Oils and Acrylics will be covered. There is a charge, please see the website and send any questions to lihmcs@optonline.net. View the website for more details.

    Hope to see some of you there
    gordy, alexwencho and Jim Patrick like this.
  2. Steve Well-Known Member

    Greg, you are selling yourself way too cheaply. If it were not so far away I would walk, fly, crawl to get there. This is excellent.
  3. roadking Active Member

    Sounds great Greg. Looking forward to seeing you there.

    Jim J.
  4. Jim Patrick Active Member

    Greg, best of luck to you with your seminar! I think it's great that more people are doing this and hope it only gets bigger and better.

    Jim Patrick
  5. TWOMOONS Active Member

    Who's Greg DiFranco?
  6. alexwencho Active Member

    That is going to be a great time.
    Good luck and best wishes to all attendees.

    alex wence

    * Attached is my print of Greg DiFranco's "Emperor Maximillian" (70 MM Flat).
    The print was available at the World Expo 93, held at Tysons Corner,Virginia.
    Limited Edition Print # 24 of 300, 'The Art of the Military Miniature' series.
    autographed in my presence by: Greg DiFranco '93. At WE1993.

    Attached Files:

    gordy likes this.
  7. Don Johnson Active Member

    Greg, I think Pat Deluhery has already been in touch regarding the pending invasion by the Hawaiian Shirt Mafia. I'm guessing 5 to 7 attendees from our group. Really, really looking forward to this!!
  8. gordy Well-Known Member

    Awesome Greg! (y)

    We need more events like this in the States, you have planetFigure's support in making this event a success :cool:
  9. roadking Active Member

    Phil Who?

    You kill me Phil!! We should attend and actually learn something from our little buddy!

    Jim Johnston:ROFLMAO:
  10. roadking Active Member

    You are absolutely correct about that Gordy. I think this is wonderful and highly recommend people take this golden opportunity. Greg is one of the most knowledgeable artists in our hobby and a fantastic (and Patient) teacher. He stood at MFCA with my 16 year old daughter and talked about lighting theory on flats and canvas paintings for at least fifteen minutes. It was THE highlight of the weekend for her and was just another example of why I have so valued Greg's friendship over the last 20 years.

    Sorry Greg (and Phil) it has actually been that long or longer for us.;)

    Jim Johnston
  11. TWOMOONS Active Member

    There's absolutely no doubt about it, Jim...my buddy Greg paints with the Hand of God--always has.
    If I wasn't in the situation I am in, you can bet I'd be there with bells on. Whatever the hell that means.
    If any of you fellows are thinking about it, but are not sure....let me push you over the edge. There is no finer...a rare opportunity.
  12. TWOMOONS Active Member


    Time and tide wait for no man, brother.
    Longer actually, I would think.
    Just as long as we keep getting better looking.

  13. Scipio1 New Member

    thanks guys, this should be a great day. Looking forward to seeing you all - be prepared for in depth stuff and bring a spare painted figure that we can paint all over! You guys are funny -but the best of friends. Alex, thanks for showing the poster, i haven't seen that for awhile.
  14. Scipio1 New Member

    Hey Folks, in case you have questions you can call me at 516 413 9443 or John Jefferies at 516 662 5281. Also there are still some open slots. see you on Sunday.
  15. PJ Deluhery Active Member

    Looks like none of us that went to this program has posted a review yet, so here goes!!

    Last Sunday the LIHMCS Club (Long Island Historical Miniature Collectors Society) held a painting class for members and non-members. I attended along with several other members of the “Hawaiian Shirt Mafia” from Western Mass. The instructors were Greg DiFranco, John Jeffries, Kevin Dunne and Rick Giardin. WOW! What a great experience! There were about 20 of us attending this full-day, one-on-one class. Cost was $75 for non-members and $50 for members. Link to Club site: http://www.longislandmodelsoldiers.com/LIHMCS_Club_Me.html

    I have spent a good deal of money (books, videos, etc.)over the years to improve my painting, and have been offered some great free advice at shows, etc.; but this is the best money I’ve ever spent and the best advice I’ve been given.

    Greg began with a PowerPoint lecture (about an hour) on various painting basics, using photos of his own figures as examples. It was a mini art school degree program! Fantastic information. There was plenty of time for Q’s and A’s; and Greg was, as usual, a flowing font of information. He passed out a hard copy of his presentation, which I used for taking notes the whole day.

    We then broke into two main groups: Beginners and Advanced. This was great because it focused instruction on the needs of the students in each group. I got on the stepladder and claimed being “advanced.”

    The rest of the day we painted – and painted! Well, there WAS lunch – which was brought in and quite good. We went step-by step through the figure, starting with face, then eyes, hair, major body areas, shading/highlighting, directional light, detailing, etc. The best part was that Greg, or one of the other instructors, was circling the room the whole time looking over your shoulder to give advice – and praise - on what each of us was doing. This had to especially difficult for them because we had folks painting flats, rounds, in all kinds of scales, with all kinds of media. I left with a completed flat – well, not QUITE complete! – that may be some of my best work.

    I’m highlighting this to you because it may be that this class will be offered again next September. If it is offered again, I’m going again for sure. But, if anyone reading this can fly, drive, walk or crawl to Freeport, LI the next time this class is offered, you’ll find it well worth the trip. For essentially the price of a kit, you’ll get a incredible arts education by master painters, and – by the way – have a lot of fun too. Regardless of how long you have been painting, I guaranty you’ll profit form this program.

    Thanks to LIHMCS and to Greg, Kevin, John and Rick for an excellent and enjoyable day. You guys ROCK!
    Jim Patrick and gordy like this.
  16. John Bowery A Fixture

    Sounds like you all had a great time. Congratulations to all who went and most to the instructors.
  17. gordy Well-Known Member

    Thank you PJ for the seminar report :) It sounds like a great time and a rockin' success (y)

    Any photo's ?
  18. Jim Patrick Active Member

    Show us some pictures of your flat that is ALMOST finished. I, as well as the rest of pF I'm sure, am really glad this turned out so well. CONGRATS LIHMCS for running a fantastic workshop but most of all, getting painters together for painting and socializing (y)

    Jim Patrick
    gordy likes this.
  19. PJ Deluhery Active Member

    OK, guys, here's a picture of the figure I was working on during the seminar. Just bear in mind it is not even finished - and not show-quality. I decided to keep it "as is" to preserve my lesson. So, please don't judge the coach by the player's poor performance. :eek:

    John Bowery and gordy like this.
  20. gordy Well-Known Member

    I dig it PJ, it looks great enlarged, what is the scale ?

    The reds, what are the mixes ?

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