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WIP Critique USN Diver

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by Reccymech, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Reccymech New Member

    Well here goes, this is my first attempt at figure models, or rather specific as opposed to figures that came with model vehicles. Been somewhat reluctant to tackle figures. Anyway, I now want to get into the figure models proper.

    This is a Verlinden 120mm USN Diver circa 1942, it's been in my model stash for years, now it's time to tackle my demons.

    I first filled in the seams with a mix of model putty and acetone, making it slurry and 'painted' it on. Then the sanding with 0000 steel wool. I applied a spray primer coat - grey, then followed with Skull White to set the base.

    The diving suit base colour is Revell Light Grey, however, I'm not very happy with the tone as to me it's too dark, I would of preferred a lighter shade as the base.

    Anyway, this will be start of many, over to you guys for some critiques as to make me a better modeller.

    One question I do have is that when painting the base colour, I thinned it out with some thinners, however there appears to be not a uniform coat, I did apply in what I thought was good coverage, but there are highs and lows, I'm not too sure if the photo's will show this. Any suggestions?[IMG][IMG][IMG]

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    Mike S., gforceman and gordy like this.
  2. gordy Well-Known Member

    Wow! That's a blast from the past! One of my very first sculpts =)

    Thanks for sharing Mark :) I look forward to your progress!
  3. Reccymech New Member

    Well Gordy, I hope I do it some justice. It is a very good model, that's why I purchased it all those years ago. I'm now wanting to get into figures proper and this is my first attempt, so all faults will be mine.

    I would ask though the helmet face and viewing plates brass protective framework, it didn't come with the kit. When I get around to that what would you recommend for the framework? Brass rod?
  4. Reccymech New Member

    Re: USN Diver - Work Thus Far

    I've painted the base colour for the diving suit and applied my first attempt at shadow/highlights, I'm going to either blend them out or repaint as it's a bit too much.

    The helmet glass is where I'm a bit unstuck at the moment, I tried just to paint Tamiya 'Smoke' on the glass area to see the result. Back to the drawing board I feel.

    Anyway, over to you guys & gals.

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    gordy likes this.
  5. Jamie Stokes Well-Known Member

    Well, your shadow work is heading in the right direction.

    A idea suggested to me was to shine a light (like a flash light, for example)directly down over the figure. You can then pick out where the shadows naturally fall.

    I like the metals on the helmet, better then any on mine.

    Tamiya smoke is a translucent paint, it may be better to go for a darker colour (say a blue/ green?) then lay down a coat of smoke.

    Tricky, that one.

    As for the framework, brass rod is fine, (ironically) you may have to paint it to match the rest of the helmet, or avoid tarnishing over time.

    Great start!

  6. Paul Kernan A Fixture


    Very nice start, mate. I have the Andrea US Diver on the bench. Wondering on how you carried off the brass helmet. Could you give us your mixes?
  7. Reccymech New Member


    The brass helmet mix was by using Humbrol Brass and I tinted it with a bit of black, then a wash of black and brown was applied. Then a dry bush of brass. Finished off with Tamiya 'smoke'.

    Looking at the helmet again, I'd apply my first coat of 'brass' without the tint of black. I too have just purchased the Andrea USN Diver bust, so this figurine was not only being my first 'true' figure it is to improve my skills.
  8. gordy Well-Known Member

    Thanks :)

    Due to the constraints of the production glass plates were omitted in favour of painting, and the frames to be fabricated by the modeler with copper wire. Not by my choice but that's what the boss dictated ;)

  9. Paul Kernan A Fixture

    Thanks Mark. Much appreciated.
  10. Hans Member

    What's about painting it dark grey with a bluish-brown tint and covering this with 2K-Epoxy?


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