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Duchy of Warsaw Drummer with Daughter.

Discussion in 'Completed Figures' started by Henk, Jun 28, 2021.

  1. Henk A Fixture

    I'm calling this one done. It's been a steep curve, but I'm pleased with it. The sculpt by Richard Bailey is superbly detailed, and a joy to paint. The only fault was the handle and guard of the sabre, which is the wrong way around, but it was simple to correct. Painted with a variety of Acrylic paints, mainly Vallejo, Citadel, and Tamiya. The base is from Oakwood Studios.

    20210628_211411.jpg 20210628_211446.jpg 20210628_211655.jpg 20210628_211822.jpg 20210628_212007.jpg 20210628_212209.jpg 20210628_212346.jpg
    arj, Billy Dickinson, Perseas and 5 others like this.
  2. Scott Sheltz Well-Known Member

    Outstanding paint work! Turned our beautifully
  3. MoboSchreuder A Fixture

    Excellent paintwork

  4. misfit151 A Fixture

    Great to see it done Henk.....we get there in the end....(y)(y). Mike
  5. Nap Moderator

    Hi Henk

    Great to see this finished from you , certainly a challenging piece , nice vibrant facing colours and all that white as well ...nicely done

    Why not enter a piece into the class of your choice in our JUNE FOTM comp and also vote in MAY's classes as well

    ....And enter in Vignettes & Diorama #3 running till 31/01/22

    Always good to see the artwork

    Thanks for sharing

    Look forward to the next

    Happy benchtime

  6. Henk A Fixture

    Thanks Scott.
  7. Henk A Fixture

    Cheers Mobo.
  8. Henk A Fixture


    Thank you Mike. And watching your progress helped me get around what to do with the white, and dirty it up. I'm going to leave it to 'mature' in the cabinet for a bit, before deciding whether or not I'm going to add some snow.
    What's your next project?
  9. Henk A Fixture


    Thank Kev. It certainly is a big chunk of resin to paint. All that colour was a new one for me, but something I enjoyed. My next project will be on familiar turf, a 1/35 scale AFV, but im adding a crew, so there will be figures involved, before I'm takling my next 'colourfull' project, "Rosalind".
  10. Cannonball A Fixture

    The time and effort you’ve put into this has really paid dividends Henk. Great finish on what looks to be a really tricky piece.

  11. Henk A Fixture

    Thanks Neal, appreciated. It is quite a tricky piece to paint, what with the main piece (torso and arms, holding the girl) being one piece, getting the brushes where you want them can be challenging. Other than that, its such a fine sculpt, and cast, its a joy to paint.
  12. JABERWOCKY Active Member

    nice work henk,great to see this one done.
    Henk likes this.
  13. Henk A Fixture


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