Mark Benettes Eye Chart Guide

Mark Benette's simple yet effective eye painting technique

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Painting Eyes Chart

Mark Benette

Original Discussion page:

Getting the eyes looking in the same direction can sometimes be a problem, if your not sure either show someone else or use a mirror.

A diagram of the stages in the process...

A. Grey primer ( my choice, any colour will do )

B. block in the eyeball ( Just get a nice solid base colour down, I use Vallejo Light Flesh )

C. Block in the top lid and the basic shape of the iris ( I use Burnt Umber for this )

D. Block in the base colour.

E. Add a lighter version of the base colour.

F. Lighter still.

G. Lightest colour at the bottom of the eye.

H. Add the pupil. ( this is a make or break stage, make sure they are looking at the same point and you can set the character of your face. Tiny pupils will give the classic "nutter" look while too large will give it a "cute" look. )

I. Add some pink along the line of the lower lid and the eyeball and especially into the tear duct.

J. Tidy up the lower lid with your basic face colour.

K. The lower lid forms a tiny "shelf" and lies almost horizontal so use your very lightest flash colour along it. ( I always paint that line in the base eyeball ) colour

L. Tidy the top lid up. ( the top lid forms an overhang so needs to be in shadow, but the eyelid is thin, the lashes add some depth so just what looks right )

That's the basic eye finished and the next potential disaster area looms ... catch lights or point highlights... Urgh!

M, N and O are the same image from step L. just with different styles of point highlights. Bear in mind head wear as a broad brim will change the look of them to almost tiny dashes, Google images if your unsure or take a picture of your own. And keep them in the top half of the eye to balance the light coloured iris in the bottom half.

I hope this is useful to some of you and remember you can paint it again if it goes wrong

Happy painting


  • Published
    Mar 30, 2012
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