Recent content by MinervaMini


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  1. MinervaMini

    Royal Deux-Ponts, Front Line - Yorktown, 1781

    Daniel, The scope of this diorama is just amazing (showing incredible devotion)...and you are obviously improving your technique exponentially with each and every figure you complete. This front line is an exceptional beginning, already showing signs of being fantastic themselves, nevermind...
  2. MinervaMini

    Til our tardy comrades waken - WE HOLD THE TOWN

    Really beautiful work, love the action of the figures and truly appreciate you offering the history behind the scene. What was you mix for the fantastic red coats? Regards, Julia
  3. MinervaMini

    Norman- a little painting exercise

    Stephen, Awesome painting as usual...something to aspire to for us novice painters. -Julia
  4. MinervaMini

    Captain Elite Hussar 1806 - Pegaso Review

    Many thanks for the posting Franco's excellent review. I happen to agree about the importance of packaging, especially for figures being shipped worldwide. I'm hoping that Santa brings me this kit for Christmas. It will probably sit on a shelf until I'm up to the task - but I have to admit...
  5. MinervaMini

    Spanish Drummer 1781

    Wendy - thanks for the encouragement, the links, and the backgrounds...looking forward to my next post. Alan, appreciate your compliments and hope to get new pics up soon!
  6. MinervaMini

    Spanish Drummer 1781

    Wendy, Marc, Tony...thank you all for your kind comments and words of encouragement. If I can only get the face right (attempt #3 underway), I may be able to post pics of the finished figure by end of the week.
  7. MinervaMini

    Soissonois Officer during Inspection, 1781 (Finished)

    I've seen this figure in person, and the photos do not do it justice!! Painting of the lapels is especially impressive and finely done. Beautifully done Marquis! Trust me guys, this diorama is shaping up to be something really special. -Julia
  8. MinervaMini

    Officer 4th Foot

    Stephen, So happy to see this piece of art...your talents are extaordinary. I love the expression on the face and agree with MarquiMini that the pose is fantastic. You are definitely one of the masters on whom I hope to model my future endeavors. Beautiful work, the details, the colors, the...
  9. MinervaMini

    Spanish Drummer 1781

    Spanish Drummer Update 3 Greetings all... More progress photos for review and critique. Hat and face have been basecoated only. Livery definitely a challenge (I have a whole new respect for the folks who paint 28mm and smaller), and photography still not mastered but getting there. Thanks...
  10. MinervaMini


    OMG - when you say 2nd you mean ever? If so, big kudos for advancing so far so fast. The highs and lows are excellent, and the face very expressive!!
  11. MinervaMini

    Spanish Drummer 1781

    Wendy - thank you for your kind comments, suggestions, and words of encouragement. You are correct that I am struggling to paint a more exaggerated version of the highs and lows...something to work on. I also feel that I need to spend more time on the photography - not sure that the photos are...
  12. MinervaMini

    Spanish Drummer 1781

    Greetings all: See photos of recent progress below...comments and critques always welcomed. - Julia
  13. MinervaMini

    New Painter Needs Help & Advice

    Jamie, Many thanks for the educational (and entertaining) response.:D Love the pictures of the flowers and the mounting advice is well taken. You are absolutely correct in your aviation any other skill, development takes time and patience. Next time I sit to paint I'll pay...
  14. MinervaMini

    Old Russian Warrior - Author Sculpt Miniatures Review

    Guy, Thank you for the review...I think I'm in love with this figure. And I am now beginning to understand how others wind up with the perverbial grey army. I may need to pick one of these up and put in on the shelf until my painting skill level can do this amazing work of sculpting proper...
  15. MinervaMini

    Mongol Warrior, 14th century - Elite Miniatures 70mm

    Guy, I'm with Daniel, the subtleness of those colors is enviable...especially for someone like me who has not yet mastered the art of the disappearing line. Please do share the origins of the ground cover materials. The variety and composition are excellent!! Are these commercially...