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  • Hi Ken,
    can you give me your email addy as I have been trying to sent you some progress pics of the Sniper bust but the email keeps getting bounced back?
    thanks Mark D
    Mark, just got back from 3 weeks touring yankee land with no access to the internet, so this is my first peek. Great start, love the eyes and the fact she doesn't look as cartoony with the softer skintones. Have you made anymore progress. Ken
    Hi Ken!

    Started on the Aleksandra Samusenko! Not blogging her, just enjoying the paint :) I'll post her up here and elsewhere when finished :)

    Ken, was the lettering on the tank ЗА РОДИНА? f it was it means 'For the Country' or 'For the Homeland'
    Thanks for your friend request, I'd be honoured! Looking through your gallery, I never realised Frenchie with the respirator was one of yours - I was admiring this on the MDC stand at IPMS Salisbury show last Saturday, & could seriously be tempted. I'm about 1/2 way through Meeting of Generals now, so should be in a position to post to you soon.
    Cheers, Chris.
    Hello Ken, I saw Roger's post on the BFFS forum about Derek Smith. Could you please email me about the auction? I am looking foir 30mm Seven Years War flats.
    f.talasco at yahoo dot com
    Thank you!!

    Hi mil-mart, Red Tom here will you be my friend? I am a new member and need someone to hold my hand. Cheers pal.
    Hi Cory, thanks for the comments about ' Reenactor ' I'm proud to say that it won my first award at Euro-militaire in Sept ( Commended ), a pleasent surprise.
    Seems us Brits get everywhere, I've never visited the Cedar Creek battlefield, although I must of passed close to it when last visited most of the main battlefield sites in 2003.
    Cheers Ken
    Sorry I havent gotten back to you in response to your message. I think that that figure (the reenactor) is a great concept. You are probably right in that there would not be much demand for a figure like that, but I enjoyed it. Thank you. BTW there were several British "Confederates" at the 145th Battle of Cedar Creek 2 weeks ago. Twas a pleasant surprise.
    This is my 1st attempt at sending pics via messages, so let me know if you get them.
    Ken - Didn't work I'll send an E-mail.
    Hi Ken ,
    Lots of offers but nothing has arrived as yet , please do send anything you want , hope you are well , I haven't forgot the WW1 Gas mask Frenchie ...busy painting !!!!!!!

    Regards Kev
    Many thanks for your kind comments in my thread, and for the friends add.

    Cheers M8!
    Ken ,
    Ref the WW1 frenchie , have you an e mail if so let me know and I will send you pics if not I will do it on PF (my e mail [email protected]) ...will start looking at my references ...Kev
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