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diamond cutter
Mar 1, 2007
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Feb 22, 1962 (Age: 62)

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    1. davidmitchell
      Hi Pete sorry for not getting back to you before now regarding your offer to sculpt a 75m skeleton.If you could manage to do it let me know,would it be a one off our could it be copied in resin.

      Cheers Davie
    2. Wings5797
      Hi Pete,
      Thanks for the insight and advanced information.
      I was planning to put a pair of legs on my figure but now have the quandry of press on or hold fire. Pardon the expression but your legs will be far better than mine.
    3. Wings5797
      Hi Pete,
      Thanks for your reply. I thought that this was the case but I could not find the head gear for this regiment.
      The figure arrived yesterday and I am even more impressed than before. Amazing piece Pete.
      All the best Keith
      1. diamond cutter
        diamond cutter
        Hi Keith
        Thanks once again!!
        I was going to make a Belgic shako for this bust to give an alternative. Gordon has asked me to make this bust into a full 200mm figure to be released at Euro this year so the shakos (Belgic and Stovepipe) will be incuded with it. Enjoy!!!!
        Jun 20, 2012
    4. Wings5797
      Hi Pete,
      Well done with the 7th Fusilier figure, incredible facial detail and posture,
      Can you please advise me of the period that this sculpture represents.
      I have placed an order with Gordon but the postal road from the UK to middle France is torturously slow.
      Again, great figure Pete, can't wait get started on it.
      1. diamond cutter
        diamond cutter
        Hi Keith
        Thank you for the comments!!
        It is Napoleonic period mate but I guess you could easily convert it to an earlier or later period.
        Hope that you enjoy painting it!!
        Jun 20, 2012
    5. MCPWilk
      Dear Pete,

      You have been a busy boy! Not sure about Maurice's SS figure - it looked very British to me!

      Best wishes,

    6. MCPWilk
      If you're the Pete sculpting for Spearhead, please get in touch. I have some 1/9 weapons (two spears, two javelins, two swords and scabbards, one dagger) to add to the shields!

      Best wishes,


      Ian has my phone number(s)
    7. Sapper8863
      hi Pete

      Ian Here

      How are things with, you

      Can you let me know whats happening


      1. diamond cutter
        diamond cutter
        Hi Ian
        Hope you are ok
        Happening about what mate???
        Email me at
        Mar 18, 2012
    8. diamond cutter
      vodka red bull is poor mans cocaine!!! was up all nite mate!!!
      innabit bud!!!
    9. carl reid
      How goes it Pete,

      Did you have a good Friday???? Judging by the time you posted your mesage it was great...

      Catch you soon mucker..
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    Feb 22, 1962 (Age: 62)
  • User has no albums yet.

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