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WIP 40mm Condé Dragoons, 1789

Discussion in 'vBench (Works in Progress)' started by MarquisMini, May 31, 2017.

  1. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Hello folks,
    Here is a new figure i've got from my spare parts from the Yorktown project.
    The figure will be a Dragoon From the Prince de Condé Regiment.
    He's a mounted dragoon which in this case unmounted his horse and walking towards a fellow cavalryman from the Carabiniers de Monsieur along with the Orleans Dragoon.
    This regiment had the traditional dark green coats of the Dragoons faced in the Chamois-Condé, or 'Ventre de Biche'.
    This was the signature color of the Condé family, from the flag to the uniforms and facings, it is some sort of off white leanimg towards a yellowish white with a pinkish shade.
    I jave started readig about this a couee months ago and got fixate it on this color lol, in spanish could be vientre de animal or animal belly .
    Anyhow, i just cleaned the figure ( fusilier) , got rid of the bayonet holster on the right side and added a head from Front rank that i clipped the hat and start it to build the dragoon Helmet.
    Cheers 11203141_377259429140384_6811269059762667657_n.jpg 20170531_213936.jpg couleurs_9280_231960.jpeg 20170531_213808.jpg
  2. Nap Moderator

    Hi Daniel

    Found it ! ...another great start my friend , interesting to see the facing colour , looks another nice figure you are using ....

    Sculpt on .....

    Wings5797, anstontyke and MarquisMini like this.
  3. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks Kev, i remeber havimg this chamois rag lol.
    I think i have an idea on the colors i will use to come up with the ventre de Biche ( funny word lol) , dab of vallejo buff, dab of white and dab of light flesh, that should work..... Screenshot_20170531-224403.png
  4. Chrisr PlanetFigure Supporter

    Good stuff Daniel, this is going to be another interesting thread, and a great diorama. Looking forward to seeing the progress.

    MarquisMini and anstontyke like this.
  5. Chrisr PlanetFigure Supporter

    Googled Chamois-Conde and Ventre de Biche, and came up with a range of colours Daniel - from a yellowish orange to a lightish pink, so I am sure that whatever you come up with it will be fine. The flags are Conde Infantry Ordnance old and new respectively.

    Ventre de biche.png Condé_Infanterie Flag_Old.jpg Condé_Infanterie_Ordonnance_Flag.jpg Trumpeter Conde Dragoons.jpg
  6. Oda A Fixture

    Very interesting lessons in uniformology and a very promising start but all this is just the norm with you mate.Will follow this one too.

    clrsgt, MarquisMini and anstontyke like this.
  7. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Chris ,glad to have you here mate :)
    Oda and anstontyke like this.
  8. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Those are great references Chris, yes, there are so many variations on that color that i am thinking of having my own version of it.
    I learned that when i see some of the references online, the cor could look bery different from ome to another, even from a pc monitor to a other.
    These references certainly help, i'll see what i can come up with.
    Cheers and thank you for being here
    clrsgt, anstontyke and Chrisr like this.
  9. MarquisMini A Fixture

    Thanks Oda, glad to jave you on board :)
    anstontyke and Oda like this.
  10. phil_h A Fixture

    Looks like you're off to a good start. I'm interested in seeing what you'll do with greens for the uniform (y)

    Oda, anstontyke and MarquisMini like this.
  11. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks Phil
    anstontyke likes this.
  12. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I finished adding the buttons on the coat and almost finished the helmet, i still need to add the details on front of the crest and mane.
    I primed the figure with automotive self etching primer... 20170601_203912.jpg 20170601_203921.jpg 20170601_204200.jpg
    Oda, Martin Rohmann, Borek and 2 others like this.
  13. Nap Moderator

    Hi Daniel

    Again nice conversion work ....any reason not to add the mane on the helmet yet ?

    Like thus fellows pose , striding forward with a purpose ..lovely looking figure

    Thanks for sharing

    Wings5797, anstontyke and MarquisMini like this.
  14. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks Kev,
    I am waiting for the crest to harden up before any attempt to add the crest, otherwise it will be a sure disaster.
    Nut it is comimg along nicely i may say.
    Oda, anstontyke and napoleonpeart like this.
  15. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I have painted the base color and worked on the facing color chamois-comde usin a mix of GW Iyanden darksun and vallejo light pink. 20170601_230831.jpg 20170601_230841.jpg 20170601_230853.jpg
    Oda, Martin Rohmann, Borek and 2 others like this.
  16. Nap Moderator

    Hi Daniel

    Thought there would be a sensible reason !

    Like the start on the uniform and facings ...we all know know this is going to be another little beauty

    Thanks for sharing

    anstontyke and MarquisMini like this.
  17. MarquisMini A Fixture


    Thanks Kev, i think the facimg cor looks ok, and probably as close as possible to the Ventre de Biche , give it to the Frenchies to be fancy on a color and you will have a puzzle in your head trying to imitate that color lol.
    anstontyke likes this.
  18. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I finished the crest mane and front decorations.
    Added the pompon and workd on the boots 20170602_193301.jpg 20170602_193310.jpg
  19. MarquisMini A Fixture

    I have finished the face today. 20170603_153031.jpg
    Oda, anstontyke, Borek and 3 others like this.
  20. Wings5797 A Fixture

    Very good work Daniel.
    You have increased your skills in all areas every time you pick up a new figure.
    Top man.
    Oda, anstontyke and MarquisMini like this.

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