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Dark blue highlighting

Discussion in 'Acrylics' started by chailey, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. chailey Active Member

    Hi all,
    I remember reading somewhere that a shade of grey was used to highlight dark blue, but I'm blowed if I can find it now!
    Can anyone remember which thread it may have been?

  2. Ferris A Fixture

    Here's some info I found on the web once. It's about oils, but still useful for acrylics as well:

    ULTRAMARINE BLUE: A warm, transparent blue, used mainly in mixtures. Blended with browns and white, it produces a range of warm and cool grays. With yellows, it produces rich greens. Do not mix with Cadmium Reds; the result is an unattractive, muddy tone, though with Crimson, Ultramarine Blue produces attractive violets.

    PHTHALOCYANINE BLUE: Usually called Thalo Blue, this colour is cool, transparent and brilliant. Mixed with transparent reds and crimsons, it produces dazzling purples. If mixed with white and browns, the result will be a blue-gray.

    COBALT BLUE: A soft, cool blue, yielding delicate greens when mixed with yellows; pearly grays with browns and white.

    theBaron, Tommi, Scotty and 1 other person like this.
  3. chailey Active Member

    Thanks for that Adrian,

    The problem I'm having is highlighting a very dark blue, using a different blue alters the tone too much and simply using white doesn't seem to look quite right either.
    What looks fine on smaller scale figures looks completely overdone in 1/9 scale! Perhaps it's a case of "less is more" and rely on simply shading.

  4. Jay-BFG Active Member

    With oils if you mix in pink with the base colour it will lighten the colour without washing it out.
    Don't know if it works with acrylics
    chailey and Scotty like this.
  5. arj A Fixture

    theBaron and chailey like this.
  6. chailey Active Member

    Andrew, thank you so much for the Mike Good link, it's satisfying to know other folk struggle with this "easy" colour!

  7. Mike Stevens PlanetFigure Supporter

    Julio Cabos used Khaki Grey or Olive Gray to Highlight dark blues. It's been a few years since I took his painting class.
    chailey and winfield like this.
  8. valiant A Fixture

    Ive used Vallejo Dark Prussian Blue+black as a shadow, Prussian Blue as a base with Prussian Blue+medium blue as highlight. Seemed to work OK(y)
  9. sippog Active Member

    Here's the rest of it - I think I copied it out of a Campaign magazine originally


    The accepted wisdom is to use a brighter blue to highlight instead of white. I've used Payne's Grey sometimes when I want a more muted effect.
    Generally I find proprietary blue grey shades of paint really useful
    theBaron likes this.
  10. Metal Extremo Well-Known Member

    Hi chailey.
    I use to ligh dark blues with turquoise, to bring saturation and light ant the same time, and then i can add any type of blue with whites, (napoleonic blue, like blue) for last lights

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